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Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 16:25
by Off-The-Chart
um, lol...

I was kidding.

trying to lighten the thread up a bit.

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 16:49
by Molean
Lol, I think that was directed at me...I think?

On that note!

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 17:58
by Mickzter97
Is BF3 worth it on PC or shud i stick to playing it on my PS3

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 18:14
by StarBound
Whats your pc specs?

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 13:57
by PhR34KKK
Mickzter97 wrote:Is BF3 worth it on PC or shud i stick to playing it on my PS3
its like asking if it is worth it to stop kissing your sister and start kissing <<enter name of the hottest chick here>> ..

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 09:31
^^I hope you are not speaking from experience.

If your PC will run the game then yes go for it........but if not then just stay with PS3(I cant believe I just said that)

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 11:14
by Mickzter97
StarBound wrote:Whats your pc specs?
Intel Core i5 2500k
Asus P8Z68-V
MSI R6870 Twin Frozr
4GB DDR3 1333 RAM
And the NZXT Phantom USB 3.0 Version(Not the 410) to keep it all inside :D :D

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 11:23
That isn't half bad. You'll get better visuals and a mouse is always best for FPS. Why did you go for the console version int the first place?

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 11:33
by Mickzter97
D3PART3D wrote:That isn't half bad. You'll get better visuals and a mouse is always best for FPS. Why did you go for the console version int the first place?
When it came out my PC was s*** so i got the console version, then i decided to upgrade recently. I only got my new pc 2 days ago.

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 18 Jan 2012, 09:40
by StarBound
Go PC. Drop console and go PC version. Your jaw is gonna be on the floor when you enable everything to high/ultra detail.

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 18 Jan 2012, 11:38
by PhR34KKK
StarBound wrote:Go PC. Drop console and go PC version. Your jaw is gonna be on the floor when you enable everything to high/ultra detail.


Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 18 Jan 2012, 13:05
by Anakha56
So after a long leave of absence I am trying to get back into this game. Got the DLC only to find very little to no servers in SA using it except for those private few servers :(. Also I am having to learn a new k/b which is really annoying the hell out of me. the new k/b has a small shift key on the left and I am used to the bigger shift button so I keep hitting the "\" button every time I want to run :/. Still suck at the game regardless of the k/b I use but I am enjoying it.

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 18 Jan 2012, 13:41
by PhR34KKK
Strange.. Well at least you can use all the new guns in all the servers.

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 18 Jan 2012, 14:19
by Off-The-Chart
hmmm, I am pretty sure there are quite a few servers running the B2K stuff.

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 18 Jan 2012, 14:23
by Anakha56
Maybe I am just looking at wrong. Majority have custom names but with, say, mweb name or WAGE. Can I still join those or are they clan servers? I have been out the online FPS scene since COD4 so yeah I r newb again :P.

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 18 Jan 2012, 14:26
Anakha56 wrote:So after a long leave of absence I am trying to get back into this game. Got the DLC only to find very little to no servers in SA using it except for those private few servers :(. Also I am having to learn a new k/b which is really annoying the hell out of me. the new k/b has a small shift key on the left and I am used to the bigger shift button so I keep hitting the "\" button every time I want to run :/. Still suck at the game regardless of the k/b I use but I am enjoying it.
The keyboard in question would not happen to be a Logitech K300 by any chance? I bought one recently and the small shift key is rather annoying but you get used to it :wink:

//btw why does the keyboard have two "\" keys(one next to the shift and one next to Enter) :scratch:

I played the game online for the first time and apart from the very few SA servers the game is brilliant :D

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 18 Jan 2012, 14:32
by Anakha56
No the k/b is the Logitech G510 ;).

I hope I get used to it because my thumb feels like its growing to break off :|

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 18 Jan 2012, 21:49
by Off-The-Chart
I played the game online for the first time and apart from the very few SA servers the game is brilliant
pls tell me you mean "very few active" servers??

I am sure Phreak can confirm, but there are a crap load of servers.

@Ana do you actually put a name in when you filter?

my filter is set up as: Africa > B2K+Vanilla > 1-5, 6-10, 10+ > No Name Entered > CQ, CQ Large, Rush

this way I get any server that is active with gameplay as conquest, conquest large and rush and that is both the DLC and normal.

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 06:57
by Anakha56
Did pretty well last night. :D For once my kills outweighs my death rate :P. I also was able to get my first knifing in and grab a dog tag, that was a awesome to finally do to someone else :P. Realized something last night I really hate playing on the bigger maps. I just get lost all the time and no matter how I try to stay with someone from my team they always end up disappearing so I am always on my own and end up getting knifed by someone hiding in the shadows or long grass depending on the map.

@OTC I just set to Africa > BF3 & Karkland and thats it. Then I sort by the amount of players in each server and choose from there. Last night I realized that what I thought were private servers or clan servers are public servers just with oddball names. So my mistake on reading the screen :P.

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 07:23
by Off-The-Chart
well I dislike the 64 player servers, but I have my filter checked for 32 and 64 cause they are usually the packed ones.

we must jam sometime but you will have to be squad leader cause I hate that annoying "ATTACK THIS POSITION" "DEFEND THIS POSITION" when all you want to do is spot a damn enemy :@

my nick is J3rkAL0t so add me in BL.

am surprised cause I haven't played in about 1 or 2 weeks because of this damn heat.

see Phreak also played last the 10th I think it was.

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 07:27
by Anakha56
Will do. My nick is as it is here and just about every other area. :)

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 12:04
by Off-The-Chart
sent you invite on BL Ana.

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 12:57
by Anakha56
Where do you go to accept from BL site?

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 14:13
by Off-The-Chart
will be on the bottom right hand side. you should get like a small green pop-up thingy.

if you don't get it, let me know what time round about you will be online so that we can do it while both on.

Re: Official Battlefield 3 thread

Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 14:15
by Anakha56
Will try again when I am at home. Dont want to install the BF3 add-on here at work ;).