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Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 10:11
by Ron2K
If he's from the poor side of Durbs, how is he going to pay for flight tickets and accommodation? :wink:

Unless he hijacks a Mango plane...

Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 10:16
by Ike
LOL! it's a spoof ;) No facts needed...

Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 17:25
by hamin_aus wrote: 'Led him on' says birth mom

The birth mother of an 18-year-old slain in front of the home of a student teacher claims the aspiring educator "preyed on" her son and teased him with visions of marriage.

"She led him on," Debra Flynn said Tuesday. "She's 30 years old and he's 18.

"They've been having an affair. He told me about it. He even asked her to marry him."

Flynn's son, Sean Powell, died Saturday after being shot once in the head as he sat in a Mercedes parked in front of 2424 Coker Ave.

The next day, Knoxville police charged Jason Eric McLean, 31, with first-degree murder. McLean, who goes by Eric, had fled the scene of the shooting and was located about 9 a.m. Sunday walking along railroad tracks near Westland Drive, police said.

Erin McLean was a graduate student at the University of Tennessee. As part of her graduate work, she started in August an unpaid internship teaching English at West High School.

UT officials have placed Erin McLean on indefinite leave from the program. She was told by UT officials to not go to West High School pending a resolution of the situation.

The McLeans have been married about 11 years and have two sons, 7 and 11.

Eric McLean, relatives said, tried last fall to find Powell a place to live after his adoptive parents kicked him out of their house. McLean even asked his parents to take in the teen, but they declined. At that time, relatives said, McLean didn't suspect his wife had a romantic relationship with Powell.

"Nobody could imagine him doing anything like this," said Jamie Daly, a Louisville woman whose son grew up with McLean.

"He was just the greatest kid, every mother's dream. He was so kind hearted, he's the last person in the world you'd expect to hurt somebody."

McLean was a senior at UT studying music. Relatives said he wanted one day to be a high school band director.

McLean remained Tuesday in jail without bond, pending a preliminary hearing scheduled for March 27. His court appointed attorney, Bruce Poston, said he would file a motion to have a bond set. Poston said he expects that motion to be heard at that hearing.

McLean was brought into general sessions court Tuesday and sat among other prisoners. While other inmates wore orange jump suits, McLean was dressed in slacks and a shirt. He appeared somewhat disheveled, and did not come to the podium with Poston.

"He's very docile, does not really comprehend what is happening," Poston said of his client's appearance.

After the court appearance, when reporters asked about accounts of a relationship between Erin McLean and Powell, Poston said: " rumors about a relationship between a teacher and student will create a lot of publicity, locally and nationally."

Poston said he has not had time to investigate the case, but "it appears this is not going to be a 'whodunit,' it is going to be more about 'what happened and why?' it seems significant to me that the victim was shot over at the defendant's house."

Flynn said she gave up her son 10 years ago for adoption during a tumultuous time in her life. Two years ago, after accepting Christ, she went looking for Powell, she said.

Powell, Flynn said, was a typical teen who had low points in his life, including a bout with marijuana and alcohol. Powell turned 18 in October 2006 and left West High School in November.

"He always knew how to make you smile," said West High School junior Chelsea Pate, who knew Powell. "You never caught him in a bad mood."

Powell went to live with Flynn in Nashville after he got kicked out of his West Knoxville home by his adoptive parents.

That's when Flynn learned about the relationship with Erin McLean. Flynn said the woman repeatedly text messaged Powell in Nashville. Powell told his mother McLean was an advisor he had met at school.

"She text messaged him things like, 'I love you,' 'Please come home,' 'You're beautiful,' " Flynn said. "He was staying with me, but he went back to Knoxville to be close to her."

When Powell was shot, Flynn said Erin McLean called her to break the news. Since then, Flynn said, Erin McLean has maintained communications with her.

"She called me last night," Flynn said Tuesday. "I told her she had led my son on and played him. She said, 'Oh, no, I loved Sean.' She said she would have married him."

A pic of the teacher and her husband.
maxxis wrote:@ Jamin

If she would smile I guess I would hit that. :lol:
Picky, picky....

:lol: @ Ike, if I thought it would work I'd send her that letter!

Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 17:46
by Ike
LOL! When people face jail time they can decide to do very silly things!

Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 18:01
by KillerByte
maxxis wrote:@ Jamin

If she would smile I guess I would hit that. :lol:
[for the teacher who was not smiling]

I AGREE! She's (hit)(tap)-able!!!

Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 22:06
by neon_chameleon
Is that the pic of her husband, that shot the 18 year old boy, well apparently?

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 17:25
by hamin_aus wrote:Teacher Confesses to Relationship with 15-year-old

42-year-old Frances Cook confessed in court on Wednesday to her relationship with the youth. Then she received a 20-year sentence. Cook had been caught with the 15-year-old in a parked car behind New Hope Elementary in December of last year. Investigation revealed sex on multiple occasions.

"She admitted that these crimes had occurred," said Whitfield County District Attorney Kermit McMnaus. "She went further in her statement to the court after her plea of guilty that she was remorseful and sorry for what she had done."

For child molestation and sexual battery the former Whitfield County Career Academy teacher will spend five years in jail, followed by 15 years probation. "She's very restricted in where she can go, what she can do, where she can live, where she can work," explained McManus. "She was a teacher , she had to give up her teaching certificate."

Reaction in Dalton was mixed. "I think it was a little too harsh," said resident Lloyd Gulledge. "She needs some punishment, but even the good Lord forgives people. And this is a little too harsh, I think."

The D.A. says he has received some interesting calls. "Some people have indicated that they don't see what the crime is if it's a male victim. That's a misunderstanding of how children react to these things."

McManus is confident that the punishment fits the crime, as are others. "I don't think a harsher sentence should be due to whether you're a male or a female," agreed resident Naji Marouf. "The crime is done and the punishment should be equal."

The victim and his family are said to still be coping with the traumas of this case. But, Cook's quick plea and apology on Wednesday give them some sense of closure.

Do. Not. Want.

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 17:54
by ICE-VaPa
jamin_za wrote:Do. Not. Want.
jamin_za wrote:Do. Not. Want.
jamin_za wrote:Do. Not. Want.
jamin_za wrote:Do. Not. Want.

8O 8O 8O

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 18:24
by hamin_aus
Is it so surprising that I would express my disinterest in a member of the opposite sex :?:
It happens occasionally.

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 23:36
by neon_chameleon
Jamin has standards?

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 23:39
by Hman
More importantly, there are some women he wouldn't hit, twice?

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 10:01
by KillerByte
i fully agree with jamin. there are standards. unless you are blind.

Posted: 18 Mar 2007, 00:02
by Afflict
Hehe gives Blind Justice a whole new meaning :twisted:

// Actually thinking about it I am worried that jammin is gona poke his eyes out so he has a larger target market! 8O

Posted: 19 Mar 2007, 06:13
by hamin_aus
Afflict wrote:Actually thinking about it I am worried that jammin is gona poke his eyes out so he has a larger target market! 8O
Hey, thats not a bad idea..... :idea: wrote:Teacher Gets 10 Years For Raping Child

sixth-grade science teacher who seduced a 13-year-old male student has been sentenced to 10 years in prison -- a sentence that her attorney argued was much longer than what teachers convicted in similar cases have received.

Rachel L. Holt, 35, holds a master's degree in education and had no previous criminal record. Wearing a red prison jumpsuit, she sobbed in court as her sentence was announced on Friday.

Holt was initially charged with 28 counts of first-degree rape. Police accused her of having illegal sexual intercourse with the boy at least that many times during an intense weeklong affair. She was also accused of plying the boy with alcohol and allowing him to drive her car.

Holt pleaded guilty to second-degree rape, and the 10-year sentence was the mandatory minimum. Deputy Attorney General Jim Kriner asked Superior Court Judge Calvin L. Scott to give Holt the maximum sentence of 25 years. Scott made no comment when he read the sentence.

Holt's attorney, John S. Malik, said both female and male teachers have received far less prison time for similar crimes. He reviewed 40 such cases around the country and found that the average sentence was 18 months to two years.

Among those cases: Dion Savage, a Dover music teacher who admitted a sexual encounter with a male student and was caught with lewd photos of other students, received a two-year sentence.

Kriner said Holt showed no remorse in interviews with pre-sentence officials. "She blames everyone but herself," Kriner said, including her victim and his parents.

"This was a premeditated and calculated affair," Kriner added. "She cared only about herself and her sexual needs."

Malik disagreed with Kriner about Holt's remorse, saying his client is truly sorry. He noted that no other victims have come forward. According to attorneys, a second young male walked in on Holt and the victim having sex but was not a participant.

In her brief comments to the court, Holt apologized "to everyone who suffered" as a result of her actions, including the victim and his family.

"I hope you can forgive me," she said. "I know what I did was wrong."

Malik said a "perfect storm" of factors -- including a fit of depression and an Internet date that did not go well -- led to his client's "poor choices." He noted that she suffered from depression after years of domestic abuse by her former husband.

The victim's uncle, who spoke on behalf of the family, asked for the maximum sentence, saying Holt had tarnished the reputation of teachers and violated his nephew's trust.

"He had his innocence taken away through betrayal," he said, adding that Holt should be treated the same as if she were a male teacher who took advantage of a female student. "Rape is rape," he said.

While prosecutors did not get the sentence they were seeking, Kriner noted that 10 years is "a long time." He said he hopes Holt uses her experience as a teacher to help other inmates while she's incarcerated.

The victim is back in school and in therapy, Kriner said.

"He's doing as well as can be expected," he said.

Gad Zooks!

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 06:37
by hamin_aus wrote:Man gets probation for dead deer sex

A 20-year-old man received probation after he was convicted of having sexual contact with a dead deer. The sentence also requires Bryan James Hathaway to be evaluated as a sex offender and treated at the Institute for Psychological and Sexual Health in Duluth, Minn.

"The state believes that particular place is the best to provide treatment for the individual," Assistant District Attorney Jim Boughner said.

Hathaway's probation will be served at the same time as a nine-month jail sentence he received in February for violating his extended supervision.

He was found guilty in April 2005 of felony mistreatment of an animal after he killed a horse with the intention of having sex with it. He was sentenced to 18 months in jail and two years of extended supervision on that charge as well as six years of probation for taking and driving a vehicle without the owner's consent.

Hathaway pleaded no contest earlier this month to misdemeanor mistreatment of an animal for the incident involving the deer. He was sentenced Tuesday in Douglas County Circuit Court.

"The type of behavior is disturbing," Judge Michael Lucci said. "It's disturbing to the public. It's disturbing to the court."
Not a pedo, but still noteworthy

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 08:08
by deadhands
sick freak poor deer.. people like that just amke me angry :x

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 08:29
by rustypup
the real question here is how the court makes the distinction between what is and isn't disturbing... had the deer been alive, would they have reacted the same way?... the wording isn't very clear...

the other thing which is bugging me is the question of whether or not he killed the deer.. .if not, is he just driving along, humming wham tunes to himself, and then spots the carcass and goes "Hmmm... i could do with some of that!"...

ok, *that* is disturbing.....
<feels vaguely ill...>

Posted: 24 Mar 2007, 12:24
by Afflict
Geez, he kills animals to have sex with them...

Even more disturbing would be, he's driving along notices a deer swerves to hit it, then goes & "hits" it again...

This has become one of the weirdest threads in the forum ;)

@ Rustypup : To define desturbing they call up Jamin za and tell him what has happened... He then responds in an appropriate manner and action is taken ;)

Ps: This is disturbing even by Jaming's standards!

Posted: 24 Mar 2007, 23:24
by hamin_aus
Afflict wrote:@ Rustypup : To define desturbing they call up Jamin za and tell him what has happened... He then responds in an appropriate manner and action is taken ;)
So that what's been going on :idea:
All this time I just though all those phone calls were from people who enjoyed talking dirty to me :!: wrote:Porn, bestiality charges

A Valleyview-area man has been charged in connection with allegations of child porn and sex involving animals.

Mounties were tipped off to the stash of alarming video tapes, DVDs and photos in an area home early Wednesday.

"It did not involve the Internet," said Staff Sgt. Frank Smart.

He wouldn't say who tipped off cops.

Police arrested a 53-year-old man, who lived at the rural residence with his adult son.

Mounties said their investigation hadn't yet revealed any victims in Valleyview or the area. "There's lots of material we still have to review," said Smart. "There may be more (charges). There may not be more."

He wouldn't say whether there was more than one child involved, nor whether any child had been identified by police.

As for the bestiality charge, Smart declined to say what kind of animal was involved, other than to say, "There was no livestock that we observed."

The animal in question had been earlier given away, said Smart, and Mounties were considering telling the current owner the animal was the focus of a bestiality investigation.

Smart said other animals on the property were checked on. "We did involve the appropriate agencies to make sure the animals were OK."

There was nothing found during the investigation to suggest the illegal material was being sold, said Smart.

Garry Wayne Todd was charged with one count of possession of child pornography and one count of bestiality.

He remains in custody and is set to appear in Valleyview Provincial Court April 5.
Right, because we all know that there is no way you can get bestiality or kiddie pr0n of teh internets....

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 06:54
by Tribble
And I have to send my kids out into this sick world. Wish I had had the sense not to have any. How do we protect them from sickos like all those above. Teachers, doctors, priests (at least I am not Catholic), actually - everyone out there. Even family members are dangerous to them.

There is a group of renowned scientists that believe that what we do has nothing actually to do with nurture - our environment. All the decisions we make and the things we do are hardwired into our DNA. There is no choice. If this is the case, none of this will change. As it excuses all the evil in the world, it also excuses those of us who take revenge for these vile actions. We too had no choice - it was predetermined that we would do that.

This world is getting more messed up by the minute.

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 23:12
by hamin_aus wrote:Mich. Man Sentenced for Alleged Sex Pact

MUSKEGON, Mich. -- A man who pleaded no contest to entering into a sex pact with his girlfriend and her 15-year-old daughter and to having had sex with a 12-year-old relative was sentenced to up to 25 years in prison.

Michael J. Fitzgibbon, 37, was sentenced Friday to up to 15 years for each of four counts of third-degree criminal sexual conduct after prosecutors said he, his girlfriend and her daughter signed a contract allowing the teen to be his sex partner for two months.

He was also sentenced to 12 to 25 years for each of two charges of first-degree criminal sexual conduct for having sex with the 12-year-old girl. All six sentences are to be served concurrently.

Fitzgibbon pleaded no contest to the charges last month. A no contest plea is not an admission of guilt but is treated the same way for sentencing purposes.

The case arose after Fitzgibbon's girlfriend, afraid of losing him while she was recuperating from surgery, allegedly arranged for the Fitzgibbon, herself and her daughter to sign a contract in June. In exchange for sex, the 15-year-old testified she was to be paid and receive privileges, such as piercings, hair dyeing and permission to stay overnight with her own boyfriend.

The girlfriend, whose name is not being made public to protect her daughter's identity, has been charged with three counts of third-degree criminal sexual conduct with a person 13 to 15 years old and is scheduled to stand trial in April.

Authorities investigated after the 15-year-old told a relative in July. The 12-year-old came forward after charges were filed.

The happy couple...
The moral of the story, boys and girls:
If you make an underage sex pact, you will go to jail and get your fudge packed :D

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 00:30
by Afflict
@ Jamin : ROFLMAO

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 23:48
by hamin_aus wrote:Movie Elf Accused Of Sexual Abuse Of Child

A California actor who has had several minor film and television roles has been arrested in Scottsdale on suspicion of sexually abusing a 15-year-old girl.

Scottsdale Police said 36-year-old Jonathan Simanton was staying with family Tuesday when he allegedly fondled his nephew's teenage babysitter.

According to investigators, Simanton admitted to touching the victim inappropriately. They also said there were indications he was under the influence at the time of the incident.

He was booked on $4,500 bail in a Maricopa County, Ariz., jail.

Simanton is a little person who played an elf in "Surviving Christmas" and an Oompa Loompa in "Epic Movie." The 3 foot 6 inch Simanton also appeared in "Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie," and on TV in "Reno 911" and "The King of Queens."

the offending elf...

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 05:53
by Tribble
Shows you that no one is immune - they are all warped.

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 10:16
by novell
some realy disrupted people out there... disgusting realy.