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Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 17:37
by StarBound
I had 2 mains during my time in wow. A warrior when I played alliance on the US servers and a hunter when I played horde on the EU TH.

Depending on your play style you might concider it like this:
Hunter is a single purpose class. It is a DPS class and nothing more so there is no surprises when you get invited to a group. Although it has 3 skill trees you will either spec survival or beast master. If you really REALLY want to make things interesting you can spec to become a trap hunter, a melee hunter, the proper ranged dps hunter or my favourite spec beast master where you pet is your dps.

Mages are also a pure dps class and while you can portal, teleport and create your own food and drinks they are a soft class and a class that you will be spending some time on the floor either dead or replenishing health and mana.

Paladins are good all round. Leveling one at the start is boring untill you hit lvl60 when you get your divine storm. And at lvl80 or 85 or whenever you can deside to duel spec into healing or tanking if you really want to. They are a class that rearly needs to spend floor time. Almost to the point where you can just bash away and head for your next target after combat.

I still prefer a hunter with a pet tanking and commending it all over the show. But if you want to focus on one enemy and want to be in the front lines I suggest a paladin.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 21 Nov 2009, 14:22
by RuadRauFlessa
Nicely put SB. However with my mage I am currently lvling I barely have any downtime at all. He is currently lvl55 and once I get to 40% mana left I just evocate for 5-8sec and I can go for the next target. I am almost at the point where my mana regen is actually higher than my mana usage. The only reason I do lose mana at this stage is due to hits I take from time to time to my mana shield.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 21 Nov 2009, 14:53
by StarBound
There is only 1 class I havent played and thats a warlock. My highest lock was only lvl20, my highest rogue 52 and my highest dk 77. The rest were all 80s. So a short breakdown:

- feral - Easy tank on demand with decent half rogue experience in cat form
- Moonkin - never used
- Resto - Lazy healer. Just hot and /dance the rest of the fight

- Prot - Decent high threat tank that just needs to block and consicrate
- Holy - awesome single target healer
- Ret - Great single target dps with good healing support through attacks

- Frost - high aoe damage and pvp slowing utility
- Fire - High single damage with higher dmg dots
- Arcane - Fast single target damage

- Fury - duel weilding spec with limited attacks
- Arms - single 2 hnder spec with high amount of attacks
- Prot - stun stun stun attacks

- Beast Master - play your pet to tank or dps
- Marksman - shot and sting dependant class
- Survival - Explosive shot 1 button class

- Blood - Keep on going class with nearly no downtime as all your attacks and talents gives you health back
- Frost - high duel weilding dmg or tanking class
- Unholy - Melee with a pet

- Enchanment - Same as a fury warrior
- Elemental - High burst damage class
- Resto - Earthshield + healing stream totem + lesser healing wave + /dance

- Stealthy bastards in all specs

- More dots, more dots!

- Shadow - support healing/mana replenish on attacks
- Discipline - Damage reduction
- Holy - healing priest spec

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 23 Nov 2009, 13:29
by Kher-za
very little downtime as a warlock, once you get lvl 60 with Demo you will be one manning lvl 63 group quests in hellfire peninsula, lifetapping and stealing mobs health back.

we're getting nerved in 3.3 though :(

screw dots, destro is the way to go xD

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 23 Nov 2009, 13:39
by DarkStar
Well, I've decided to level as a Prot pally on Twilight's Hammer.

I won't be doing so dedicatedly, though. I still have a lvl 80 Shaman on Xavius that I raid with =P

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 23 Nov 2009, 17:26
by StarBound
The WoW withdrawal syndrome is starting to set in :P

I can feel it in my veins. My hunter is calling me to go again. To be a threat to all that would stand against the horde...

But its quickly over shadowed by PUGs and goldfarmers. 3 seconds back into the game and I will probably see "hi,friend..." and not only that when I join a group for a pug raid "please link achievement" then once you are there there will be 2 or 3 guys in greens trying to tank, heal or dps.

What I remember of the game was the lvl60 content. How we used to raid scholomance and stratholm for our dungeon sets. The game was fresh, zones got revamped and it felt like an achievement to actually get your epic mount or quel serrar. I hated the degree in which you could never catch up or compete with the guys in T2, aq40 gear and eventually T3. Once you were behind you were behind forever. Nothing could get you to that level.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 24 Nov 2009, 09:26
by DEeRaY
Seriously dude? this is like the 3rd or 4th time you decide to come back to the game
Anyway, welcome back

Tbh, theres nothing you can do about these gold farmer types, although there are quite a few mods to block these messages sent from these level 1 warriors named hjhasoiduohya. Although, some of them have started leveling them to level 2 :p. Meh. block all messages from characters below level 10

Anyway, this thing about people requiring achievements does get annoying. But being part of a raiding guild sorts this problem out. And theres always an addon called underachiever too :p

The game at level 60 just required too much damn time to do anything. It was farming fire res gear for MC, getting attunements farming pots and elixirs. The game was just too damn time consuming for your avarage gamer. All these changes are for the good of the game imo. The game is accessable to most of the player base for the 1st time in a long time

There is still stuff you can do in the game that gives you a sense of reward. Yea killing bosses and getting gear is easier now. But if your feel its too easy, do hardmodes. Ive recently gotten a Tribute to mad skill and i can tell you that felt great and we had a follow up raid and made it to Twins with 50 attempts remaining and had a stupid wipe. I can tell you that raid was intense, nothing was said. But all knew that we where after a tribute to insanity

You just got to look at the game in the right light, Would you really take back old level 60 ways of raiding and getting stuff?
I know i wouldnt

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 24 Nov 2009, 10:27
by StarBound
There are a few ways of looking at it. Why is lvl60 such a big mark? For one epics was rare, VERY rare. Those players running around in full marshals or warlords sets put in the time and effort to wear those purples. These days anyone that goes into the battle grounds and use an afk bot gets that honor although after re-examination lvl251 pvp gear is inferior to lvl226 pve gear.

The main point around the game boils down to loot and how its acquired. Ninja looting has never been a huge problem as it has been recently. Players never really rocked up for raids in their greens but it happens all the time now and their excuse is because they wont be running unless they need gear. Adding to the insult would be asking for achievements to enter a raid when someone in the group isnt even over the lvl200 gear mark which is just plain 80 blues. I know that some items are better for classes that arent the higher lvl but dont rock up with a weapon that is on par with something you had at lvl70.

On the more player side of things I've seen some people that can perform miracles. People that can adjust when something goes wrong. But they are few and far between.

Should I go back to wow now or once the patch is released I only have the 3 5mans to look forward to. After Ulduar I stopped raiding hardcore. I finished ToC10 and have no further desire to go back. All I wanted was to see the content and thats it. Then again December is closing in which means people will be going on holiday making it the better time to play. While I speak of returning to wow and feel the strong urge I dont see the point of doing so. Hopefully my fuzzy logic will keep me away over my primal instinct.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 30 Nov 2009, 21:18
by StarBound
If I start playing WoW again it would be my 5th time returning. I'm not sure but I think the longest I've not played the game was 2 months when I shifted from USA server to EU server.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 01 Dec 2009, 23:21
by FrostiE
If you really want to start playing again, go ahead. Otherwise, quit being so melodramatic about it :wink:

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 17:22
by StarBound
A year or so back blizzard added multi-core support to WoW. It appears that if your cpu has more than 1 core though the game still only uses 1 core. Semi confirming this is the little cpu monitor I have on my desktop. Anyway you can manually change how many cores or processors the game can use. The default for this is "3" (2 cores, both enabled, think binary terms) but you can change it as you like. wrote:If you have more than 2 cores (physical processors, physical cores, or logical HT "cores"), you can change a setting in to specify which cores WoW will schedule certain threads on.

Find the line in that says:

SET processAffinityMask = "3"

and change it to:

SET processAffinityMask = "15"

A setting of 3 is the binary mask for cores 1 and 2; a setting of 15 is the binary mask for cores 1, 2, 3, and 4.


║ Mask ║ Core 1 │ Core 2 │ Core 3 │ Core 4 ║


║ 1 ║ ██ │ ░░ │ ░░ │ ░░ ║


║ 2 ║ ░░ │ ██ │ ░░ │ ░░ ║


║ 3 ║ ██ │ ██ │ ░░ │ ░░ ║


║ 4 ║ ░░ │ ░░ │ ██ │ ░░ ║


║ 5 ║ ██ │ ░░ │ ██ │ ░░ ║


║ 6 ║ ░░ │ ██ │ ██ │ ░░ ║


║ 7 ║ ██ │ ██ │ ██ │ ░░ ║


║ 8 ║ ░░ │ ░░ │ ░░ │ ██ ║


║ 9 ║ ██ │ ░░ │ ░░ │ ██ ║


║ 10 ║ ░░ │ ██ │ ░░ │ ██ ║


║ 11 ║ ██ │ ██ │ ░░ │ ██ ║


║ 12 ║ ░░ │ ░░ │ ██ │ ██ ║


║ 13 ║ ██ │ ░░ │ ██ │ ██ ║


║ 14 ║ ░░ │ ██ │ ██ │ ██ ║


║ 15 ║ ██ │ ██ │ ██ │ ██ ║

So a single core would be 0, duel core = 3, tri-core = 8, quad core = 15 and so on.

It can cause instability but I havent run into anything so far. As for me Dalaran doubled in frame rate and my game is now carried by 2 of my cores with 50%+ usage on both instead of 100% by one. I think if they can add 64-bit and proper multi-core next then we might see some interesting things.

Oh yeah, I am back in wow for the xth time. Lost count on how many times I returned to this game.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 19:15
by DarkStar
Except, I don't have that line in the file.

So, it's all pretty much useless to me.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 19:19
by RuadRauFlessa
DarkStar wrote:Except, I don't have that line in the file.

So, it's all pretty much useless to me.
Then add it.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 04 Dec 2009, 11:23
by DEeRaY
Thanks Starbound. Ill be giving this a shot this afternoon. Would be nice to unlock some of my i7's potentail

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 04 Dec 2009, 11:31
by StarBound
I was thinking of using 63 (8x8-1) to see what happens with 8 cores but it only actively uses 2 under the quad setting so no need to expand on it. And even with only 2 used its only above 50% on each core.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 07 Dec 2009, 08:32
by DEeRaY
I was really surprised by the performance increase this gave me. I didnt have a bad perfomance to beging with. In dala i was sitting at about 50fps with the Ultra setting in a 1680x1450 resolution. After this i jumped upto 90fps

In the world im seeing framerates of 280+, Really amazed. Thanks for this

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 13:46
by Sojourn
New patch live and I am loving it.
The /lfd and /lfr system works brilliantly across battlegroup servers, so much so that /trade is back to being trade, a few days ago it was the LFG channel.
They have also placed a cap on the number of instances per battle group not to over tax the servers, resulting in a msg saying "instance server full"... why is this good? Well, overcrowding killing server performance is a thing of the past. I am all for it, even though you might have to wait between 1min and 5mins to get a in instance allocated to your group. The random of the day is also great...
You also don't have to fly to instances any more.

The quest-helper addition is just amasing, although it lacks a tom-tom type plug-in to give you on-screen directions.

I am very impressed with the small and bigger changes.

As for the IC content, you have to experience it to realise the greatness.

Well done Blizz!

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 15:55
by StarBound
The new dungeon system is especially good. Twilight Hammer was known for its ...nubs. So far all my horde groups was a pleasure. But my alliance groups started to suck. If anything I want to say its finally nearing an end. After 8 years its almost time to beat down Arthas. And yet I get this sneaking sinking feeling that it wont end here.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 16:18
by DarkStar
StarBound wrote:The new dungeon system is especially good. Twilight Hammer was known for its ...nubs. So far all my horde groups was a pleasure. But my alliance groups started to suck. If anything I want to say its finally nearing an end. After 8 years its almost time to beat down Arthas. And yet I get this sneaking sinking feeling that it wont end here.

You're probably right.

First off, we'll only be seeing Arthas in April as each new wing will only be released every 28 days.

Secondly, there's a large plot twist that awaits you in Halls of Reflection (the 3rd of the new dungeons)

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 16:59
by StarBound
Yeah but the HoR thing is Blizzard thing. Always changing the Lore as they please. Sure it's their game but bloody hell they keep changing standing story to continue the WoW universe. The new sword you can get, Qual Delar, takes you into the reclaimed sunwell. I can see this becoming another focus point somewhere in the future.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 14 Dec 2009, 08:36
by endev8003
Had a EK world server crash on Sunday. Some guys arranged a massive PvP event in Blasted Lands on Blade's Edge server and hundreds of people joined in. They managed to bring the EK server down for a couple of minutes.

I was a bit PO'ed because I was leveling my shaman in STV at the time.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 14 Dec 2009, 11:06
by RuadRauFlessa

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 14 Dec 2009, 17:09
by StarBound
Happens on TH when someone on horde side desided to mass a 120man raid on Stormwind. Think it was a sudden big lag then a server drop.

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 11 Jan 2010, 12:21
by Sojourn
Soooo the 2nd wing of Icecrown was opened... Mr Rot and Mr Gut playing havoc with guilds that are used to minimal tank 'n spank encounters. I likes it.

Whats your take on it?

Re: Wow players on this forum.

Posted: 11 Jan 2010, 13:37
by RuadRauFlessa
Dunno cuz our Guild Master, Mr Kronos, has not scheduled any raids for us yet.

AND no I don't feel like pugging it.