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Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 16 Dec 2009, 11:10
by hamin_aus
RiaX wrote:Just because you simply do not like something does not mean it should be banned.
I also hate cigarettes and I am in favour of all the legislature banning them in confined spaces. But even I will admit that we are taking things too far by banning them in cars. If it's your cr you should be allowed to smoke in it. Whats next? Banning it in your house? we have bigger issues in this country...

That being said I get a huge laugh at work where they have now banned smoking outside as well. Smokers have to go 10 meters from the building to smoke, which takes them well away from the sundeck which they normally monopolized and made damn near unusable for non-smokers because of all the ash and stompies everywhere (despite the fact that ashtrays and bins were provided - filthy ****).
Now I get to chill on the sundeck and laugh at them as they go hiking 10 meter through the grass to have a smoke.

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 16 Dec 2009, 13:20
by RiaX
jamin_za wrote: banning them in cars. If it's your cr you should be allowed to smoke in it.
for real i did not know this ! ... whats the point of that really. Ok i understand banning smoking in the car if you have small children as passengers and what not, but its my car and I will smoke in it and if my passengers dont like it then they can take the bus. Sheesh what happend to democracy :evil:

perhaps the state should work more pressing matters than tobacco control... like i dont know maybe try and supply goverment hospitals with better budgets or improve medicine control so people dont setal the antivirals from the hospital to get high and then have patients who got no medicine to keep their HIV under control or have patients getting robbed outside the hospitals for these medicines.

I must say some real geniuses we got in state ... like malema .... ****ing pros

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 16 Dec 2009, 17:48
by lancelot
Exactly when does it kill the smoker? Ten, twenty, thirty, forty or fifty years? Most of my friends have passed on long ago, very few of them smoked but four were killedby robbers. So using applied mathematics, robbers are far more dangerous than smoking!

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 16 Dec 2009, 18:37
by Moses
lancelot wrote:Exactly when does it kill the smoker? Ten, twenty, thirty, forty or fifty years? Most of my friends have passed on long ago, very few of them smoked but four were killedby robbers. So using applied mathematics, robbers are far more dangerous than smoking!

There is nothing statically sound or robust about this argument. :p

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 16 Dec 2009, 21:55
by RiaX
lancelot wrote:Exactly when does it kill the smoker? Ten, twenty, thirty, forty or fifty years? Most of my friends have passed on long ago, very few of them smoked but four were killedby robbers. So using applied mathematics, robbers are far more dangerous than smoking!
That is my whole point. If you keep worrying about whats going to kill you then your life will just pass you by. You be a waste of organs imo

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 17 Dec 2009, 08:14
by doo_much
Seems she believes it should be legalized...


And meet her little helper...


Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 23:04
by Lithe_Joint
Eish...and just when I thought I'd be rid of dogs, forever a new use arrives.

Beware the Black Dog.

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 07:09
by Prime
Ban cigarettes full stop! Your second hand smoke gives me asthma. And I can't tell you how many smokers just toss their ash and stompies on the ground. :roll: Leave the tobacco alone. Then it can still be farmed and exported. If you want to smoke, get a pipe. I could be wrong but I believe pipe tobacco contains less crap.

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 23:00
by Lithe_Joint
To be quite honest and with no ill respect, Prime, this thread is about smoking (or not) something other than tobacco.

Fact is , pipe smoking and king size smoking are one and the same.
I'm getting an e-cigarette end of the month...come to think of it, maybe they should think of making an E-Zol?!

The bottom line is that our lungs were not designed to appreciate smoke...although our minds might have a different theory.

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 23:40
by Prime
Lithe_Joint wrote:To be quite honest and with no ill respect, Prime, this thread is about smoking (or not) something other than tobacco.

Fact is , pipe smoking and king size smoking are one and the same.
I'm getting an e-cigarette end of the month...come to think of it, maybe they should think of making an E-Zol?!

The bottom line is that our lungs were not designed to appreciate smoke...although our minds might have a different theory.
I know what this thread was about. I have already stated my opinions on dagga in this thread. ;) I was commenting on the recent discussion on cigarettes.

And I fully agree with you on your point about smoke and lungs. However, people persist in smoking and shall always do so . Which is why I am in favour of banning cigarettes because the long list of chemicals in cigs needs to go away.

We will never be able to ban smoking. Much as I'd like them to. But we can certainly control the nasty factor.

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 19 Jan 2010, 13:47
by rustypup
independent wrote:After 40 years of defeat and failure, America's "war on drugs" is being buried in the same fashion as it was born – amid bloodshed, confusion, corruption and scandal. US agents are being pulled from South America; Washington is putting its narcotics policy under review, and a newly confident region is no longer prepared to swallow its fatal Prohibition error. Indeed, after the expenditure of billions of dollars and the violent deaths of tens of thousands of people, a suitable epitaph for America's longest "war" may well be the plan, in Bolivia, for every family to be given the right to grow coca in its own backyard.
For the lives and sanity of millions, the seeing of the light is decidedly late. The conditions of the 1920s, when the US Congress outlawed alcohol and allowed Al Capone and his kin to make massive fortunes, have been re-created up and down Latin America.

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 19 Jan 2010, 14:26
by qwiksilva666
Hehe so America is finally giving up on its useless crusade.

Check here too:
Nutt and his colleagues are not out to promote the legalization of any drugs, rather that all harmful substances be rated on the same scale. He's basically saying that tobacco and alcohol have been getting a free pass for so long that now things need to change.
Full article: ... tml?cat=17

To all those who still think their drink is fine. Look at how diluted the alcohol (ethanol) is in every drink. If we took all drugs and diluted them so as to match the ratio, then drugs wouldnt even affect us.
The thing is when you take that shot of heroin/cocaine its almost pure, 50-100% depending on your dealer, and it will take quite a bit to kill you. If you take an almost pure shot of alcohol, you will be dead.

Related: ... anking.htm <<<< This is particularly interesting.


NOTE: note that their classification of alcohol is in the standard diluted form, IE how we drink it.

Comments? :mrgreen:


Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 21:38
by FrostiE
qwiksilva666 wrote: The thing is when you take that shot of heroin/cocaine its almost pure, 50-100% depending on your dealer, and it will take quite a bit to kill you. If you take an almost pure shot of alcohol, you will be dead.
Haha, that made me smile. I get what your saying, it's just your 'facts' are a little off. While the scientology-funded anti-drug campaigns may beg to differ, misinformation doesn't help anyone.

The only way you could get your hands on anything even close to 100% pure cocaine in this country is by buying in a colossal amount, and doing something along the lines of an A/B wash. Only then would your realise that street purity is in the range of 25-60%. Granted, it very much depends on who your buying it from, but 9 times out of 10 it doesn't even enter the country in the 90's.

Having knocked back 190-proof everclear, only to still have a pulse, I'll have to call ****** on the whole death-by-shot situation too. Alcohol's a horrible substance, as is nicotine, but in the end forbidding adults to consume any substance, in a way which will not directly harm others, is just plain retarded and nothing more than a blatant statement of governmental ownership or ignorance. Second only to suicide being a crime in England up until the mid 1900's.

"My final point about alcohol, about drugs, about pornography; what business is it of yours what I do, read, buy, see, **** or take into my body as long as I don't harm another human being whilst on this planet?" - Bill Hicks

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 10:27
by qwiksilva666
FrostiE wrote:
The only way you could get your hands on anything even close to 100% pure cocaine in this country is by buying in a colossal amount, and doing something along the lines of an A/B wash. Only then would your realise that street purity is in the range of 25-60%. Granted, it very much depends on who your buying it from, but 9 times out of 10 it doesn't even enter the country in the 90's.

Having knocked back 190-proof everclear, only to still have a pulse, I'll have to call **** on the whole death-by-shot situation too. Alcohol's a horrible substance, as is nicotine, but in the end forbidding adults to consume any substance, in a way which will not directly harm others, is just plain retarded and nothing more than a blatant statement of governmental ownership or ignorance. Second only to suicide being a crime in England up until the mid 1900's.

"My final point about alcohol, about drugs, about pornography; what business is it of yours what I do, read, buy, see, **** or take into my body as long as I don't harm another human being whilst on this planet?" - Bill Hicks
WOW man, Everclear. Oo

I like this though:
"Everclear can also be used to clean electronic parts, such as computer processors and heatsinks" :mrgreen:
"Due to its high alcohol content, Everclear is illegal, unavailable, or difficult to find in many areas"

Yeah I was pulling some numbers there in that paragraph as I am not so educated on the purity of Coke and heroin, hehe. But thanks for the correction (i thought it was more pure than that), though im still pretty sure that pure ethanol is toxic and can kill a person by causing heavy organ damage. But then again that everclear is hectic!

I 100% agree with your government point and final point. :P

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 10:49
by hamin_aus
FrostiE wrote:"My final point about alcohol, about drugs, about pornography; what business is it of yours what I do, read, buy, see, **** or take into my body as long as I don't harm another human being whilst on this planet?" - Bill Hicks
As much as I love Bill Hicks, I think the government should be allowed to control what we ****.
Let's keep it same-species, guys.

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 23 Jan 2010, 08:24
by FrostiE
Hah, reminds me of something I heard not so long ago. Apparently, much to the horror of an Australian tourist, SA doesn't really actively enforce those kinda things. Not long in the country, she was driven past some random savagely penetrating a donkey on the side of the road. Friendly guy and all, he waved, but I guess there's just room for misinterpreting everything. Even 'getting some a ss'.

But rather lock those up with an alternative herb rack. Yeah!

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 08:56
by rustypup wrote:Let’s talk about weed. A real talk, not one of those weed-is-evil-and-no-one you-know-has-ever-used and if you do it’s only a matter of time before you’re living under a bridge pushing a shopping cart (which, I will point out, would be incredibly difficult for you given the amount of clothing and other detritus you seem to have accumulated.)
Oh, by the way, if I catch you with that stuff – or prescriptions – I’ll take you to the police myself, and when you get out you will find that I’ve taken everything out of your room including your door and bed – and you’ll slowly earn them back over the next year with meetings and drug tests. Doubt. Me Not.

OOooops, sorry, I got lost there in my own horrid little parental fantasy.

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 10:23
by hamin_aus

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 03 Sep 2010, 09:37
by rustypup wrote:Whether teenagers who smoked pot will use other illicit drugs as young adults has more to do with life factors such as employment status and stress, according to the new research. In fact, the strongest predictor of whether someone will use other illicit drugs is their race/ethnicity, not whether they ever used marijuana.
The researchers used survey data from 1,286 young adults who attended Miami-Dade public schools in the 1990s. Within the final sample, 26 percent of the respondents are African American, 44 percent are Hispanic, and 30 percent are non-Hispanic white.
1200 is an infinitesimally small sample.... :/

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 30 Sep 2010, 11:58
by jee
ok... this might go into the offend thread... or in the bin,.. ;) interesting hypothesis....
"If you know the truth, the truth will make you free." (John 8:32)

As doubtful as the following hypothesis might first seem to the reader, I might as well boldly state my case right from the start: either Jesus used marijuana or he was not the Christ. The very word "Christ", by the implication of its linguistic origins and true meaning, gives us the most profound evidence that Jesus did in fact use the same herb as his ancient semitic ancestors, and which is still used by people around the world for its enlightening and healing properties.

The Greek title "Christ" is the translation of the Hebrew word Messiah, which in English becomes "The Anointed" . The Messiah was recognized as such by his being anointed with the holy anointing oil, the use of which was restricted to the instillation of Hebrew priests and kings (See CC#5). If Jesus was not initiated in this fashion then he was not the Christ, and had no official claim to the title.

The ancient recipe for this anointing oil, recorded in the Old Testament book of Exodus (30: 22-23) included over nine pounds of flowering cannabis tops, Hebrew "kaneh-bosm", extracted into a hind (about 6.5 litres) of olive oil, along with a variety of other herbs and spices. The ancient chosen ones were literally drenched in this potent cannabis holy oil.
more with explanations

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 30 Sep 2010, 14:20
by lancelot
What a pleasure after a hard day :mrgreen:


Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 01 Oct 2010, 10:07
by HuNtingGoof
lancelot wrote:What a pleasure after a hard day :mrgreen:

You pot head you! lol

Anywayz -- My point of view is that it would be nice to be able to go down to the local garage and get a pack of them for days just like that.
ALTHOUGH I think that they'd need to properly regulate it and it should be taxxed.. But the freedom of choice whether or not to have it would be superb.. :D

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 01 Oct 2010, 10:32
by GreyWolf
lancelot wrote:What a pleasure after a hard day :mrgreen:

lol dude. Fitting the Cape Town stereotype to a tee! :)

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 01 Oct 2010, 11:34
by lancelot
Hey Grey, Capetownians seem to be more into Tik these days.

Re: Discussion: Legalizing cannabis

Posted: 01 Oct 2010, 11:36
by jee
Portugal, which in 2001 became the first European country to officially abolish all criminal penalties for personal possession of drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine.
Judging by every metric, decriminalization in Portugal has been a resounding success," says Glenn Greenwald, an attorney, author and fluent Portuguese speaker, who conducted the research. "It has enabled the Portuguese government to manage and control the drug problem far better than virtually every other Western country does."

"The impact in the life of families and our society is much lower than it was before decriminalization," says Joao Castel-Branco Goulao, Portugual's "drug czar" and president of the Institute on Drugs and Drug Addiction, adding that police are now able to re-focus on tracking much higher level dealers and larger quantities of drugs. ... 46,00.html
hmm yeah... but ... W-NEW.html