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Posted: 05 Mar 2008, 17:16
by Vampyre_2099

1. yes you can

2. No, I wouldn't recommend it

Posted: 05 Mar 2008, 17:19
by Xp3reMental
i duel-boot linux XP.. just make sure XP is installed first

Posted: 05 Mar 2008, 20:29
by Vampyre_2099
I never said don't dual boot, I just wouldn't suggest using the same HDD

Posted: 05 Mar 2008, 20:37
by PhReaK_K
he he, I tried the same HDD thing and , well lets just say, I am doing the Ubuntu ONLY thing at this stage. This has been the longest that I have kept any distro on my pc, Probably cuz I dont play games anymore and doent really need XP, I just crave a bit of NWN2 or Hellgate, but oh well, will get that working soon I hope.

Posted: 05 Mar 2008, 20:42
by PhReaK_K
Cupis wrote:this is going to be an extremely noob question :oops:
but i only jsut started reading up on linux and wanting to get involved.
just downloaded ubuntu 7.10 yesterday but before i install anything i want to know

2 things.

1.Can you dual boot Ubuntu 7.10 and Windows XP from the Same hdd (file format and all those formalities?)

2. Would you recomend it?

i know its a noob question cause i am really only just getting into it. Sorry for being off topic but rather stick it in here than create whole new thread.
Well I must say, Unless you are a gamer I honestly cannot see why you would wanna duel boot. It will take a bit of getting to know, but the LINUX community is really helpful. Once you get connected, everything else is a simple google or question in a forum away.

Posted: 05 Mar 2008, 21:56
by Cupis
yeah you see that s just it, i wanna get used to linux and play arounf with it and all. And this is why i want XP on aswell. Cause i am a Very Heavy gamer. play all my games to shreads. :P

but linux looks good and i really want to get to know it. maybe ill just shove an old 10 gb in and use linux off that? rate that a better way? do i risk of losing any data off other hdd coruption etc?

or am i jst being a little paranoid :D which i really am sometimes :(

Posted: 05 Mar 2008, 23:00
by Xp3reMental
Cupis youre fine! My heart was beating 1000x above crictical when i installed ubunu for the first time!

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 07:54
by WAJeff
:lol: :lol:

Guys, its really not all that complicated. Just be glad Linux is on the GUI install stage, and not sitting with CLI, or selective package installs still
Now that stuff's scarey

Hows everyone finding Linux btw? Seem to be alot of people trying it out

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 08:05
by Xp3reMental
Ubuntu is really really really nice.. haven't tried other distros.

At first it was bit difficult to figure out how to install packages.
A quick look on Ubuntu's official forums solved that...
Copiz is great! Ubuntu is great only lack i found was gaming but thats a minor issue! Will use XP for gaming.
Everytime i boot into XP it feels slow a clogged even with no extra apps and stuff..
Best of all i have never even needed to force quite something in Ubuntu:D

Best OS there is! Verry user friendly!

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 09:22
by WAJeff
Good to hear dude!!!
What distro you using? Ubuntu 7.10 or Ultimate?

I first started on Ultimate because it came with a lot of packages installed, but it became to heavy for me. 7.10 FTW :D

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 09:34
by Gargmel
Downloading 7.10 now, think it is time to take the plunge... :D

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 10:10
by WAJeff
Gargmel wrote:Downloading 7.10 now, think it is time to take the plunge... :D
Good stuff!!! Post away if you need help
You gonna dual boot a Windows OS and Linux?

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 12:55
by Vampyre_2099
g0ldback wrote::lol: :lol:

Guys, its really not all that complicated. Just be glad Linux is on the GUI install stage, and not sitting with CLI, or selective package installs still
Now that stuff's scarey

Hows everyone finding Linux btw? Seem to be alot of people trying it out

I remember a while back when I first tried out linux, I used Mandrake 9.x (not sure what version). Back then you had to select your packages, at least they had GUI though.

I'm currently using Linux Mint, its based on Ubuntu. I'm loving it, its definitely one of the best distros ever. I downloaded Kubuntu because I wanted to try out KDE (haven't used it in a while) and surprisingly I found it too big and bulky. Mint is nice coz it uses GNOME but not the Ubuntu human skin, which makes it so much more appealing :lol:

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 12:58
by Cupis
Ok so im downloading my second Ubuntu 7.10 ( for the office downloaded 7.10 64bit for home) now i want to install. i got two hardrives in my system now. SATA hdd with Windows XP and just put in a 20gb IDE. Can i just pop in the disk and start installing? or there any tips for a Noob Installing?

Off Topic: @ Gargmel did you used to play FEAR?

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 13:17
by Gargmel
g0ldback wrote: Good stuff!!! Post away if you need help
You gonna dual boot a Windows OS and Linux?
Yeah wanna boot Xp and Linux, but having some problems...
So I boot from the disk. Get to the screen with all the options install etc.

I pick the first one to install then get a status bar loading, after that my screen just turns of, I get the no signal message from my screen. Lots of CD and HDD activity but nothing happens. After a while the activity stops but still nada on screen. IO tried the save graphics option too and different resolutions in the options...any ideas?

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 13:27
by Cupis
i just heard you must install XP first. Thats as much as i know bout dual booting. :(

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 13:31
by Gargmel
Yeah xp is installed, thought I'd keep it so I could ask for help... :oops:

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 14:49
by WAJeff
Gargmel wrote:Yeah xp is installed, thought I'd keep it so I could ask for help... :oops:
If I wasnt a gamer, I wouldnt have XP or Vista installed. But since I do game, I have them installed. So dont worry. Its a bit hectic to run Linux ONLY, especially for a newbie

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 16:40
g0ldback wrote:Its a bit hectic to run Linux ONLY, especially for a newbie
I dunno hey. I was a TOTAL linux n00b and i installed it and have been running it 24/7 ever since. I guess it all depends on how "dedicated" you are to learning it...

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 17:10
by Gargmel
Still no luck for me... :cry:

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 17:13
by PhReaK_K
DAE_JA_VOO wrote:
g0ldback wrote:Its a bit hectic to run Linux ONLY, especially for a newbie
I dunno hey. I was a TOTAL linux n00b and i installed it and have been running it 24/7 ever since. I guess it all depends on how "dedicated" you are to learning it...
I am with you on that one, If you actually take the time to sit and get to know it, you wall find it actually very simple. I think the reason most people are scared of Linux is cuz they are "used" to Windows. Especially with Ubuntu, very nice and easy. I am using it also now 24/7. If only there was an easy way to get games to work on it. Apart from wine, that still not the solution for me.

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 18:30
by Cupis
ok so i got ubuntu running dual boot :P but i can't do much at home till i get a new Hdd for it. cause i am not so keen on running it on the same drive as my windows.

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 18:42
by Gargmel
Lucky *******, I have tried ubuntu, kubuntu, and that google flavour one (gos-live) that doesn't look too promising all gives me a black screen after clicking on the install... :cry:
Starting to think it is because of my gpu, and dont have another one or onboard vga to test..

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 18:57
by WAJeff
Cupis wrote:ok so i got ubuntu running dual boot :P but i can't do much at home till i get a new Hdd for it. cause i am not so keen on running it on the same drive as my windows.
Why dont you want it on the same HDD as your Windows install? I run all my OS's off one HDD

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 20:06
by Cupis
well i just heard people not recomending it? you disagree?

another question how does graphics in linux work? you get dirextX or anything? cause i would love to try get my games running in there, although i hear it does not operate to well? but again i am linux Noob