Something weird happened last night

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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by Tribble »

You need the kind that doesn't need a coin.
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by Synthesis »

Here's the only explanation I can think of: Are you married? Maybe you have vibrating device somewhere. Could've even been a cell phone hidden under the mattress.

Otherwise to find out the truth get yourself a ouija board. :wink:
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by Frozenfireside »

I love this whole thread!

The innuendo is epic.
Soon Google will know everything...including how to divide by zero :(
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by D3PART3D »

IcePick88 wrote:
SoulBlade wrote:Is it just me or is everybody quite calm about this?
Nobody wanna say the P-word? ;-)
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Word Definition
pabouche a slipper
pabulous of, like or pertaining to nourishment
pabulum food; provender; nourishment
pacable able to be appeased; willing to forgive
pace contrary to the opinion of; in respectful disagreement with
pachydermia elephantiasis
pachyglossal thick-tongued
pachymeter instrument for measuring small thicknesses
pachynsis thickening
paciferous peace-bringing
pacificate to give peace to
pactolian like or having golden-hued sands
padella shallow dish of fat with a wick used in illuminations
padrone innkeeper; employer
padronism system of obtaining labour through employment agents
paduasoy corded silk
paean song of thanksgiving
paedarchy government by children
paedobaptism doctrine of infant baptism
paedocracy government by children; paedarchy
paedogenesis reproduction by an infant or larval organism
paedology study of children
paedonymic name taken from one's child
paedophage eater of children
paedophilia abnormal love or sexual attraction for children
paedophobia fear of children; fear of dolls
paedotrophy art of rearing children
paginal of, like or pertaining to pages or pagination
pagophagia eating trays of ice to help offset iron deficiency
paideutic educational method or theory
paidonosology study of children's diseases; pediatrics
paillette a spangle
pais people from whom a jury is drawn
paisley soft wool fabric with ornamental pattern
paizogony necking; love-play
palabra a word; talk
palaceous spade-shaped
palaeoanthropology study of early humans
palaeobiology study of fossil plants and animals
palaeoclimatology study of ancient climates
palaeogaea the Old World as a biological region
palaeolimnology study of ancient fish
palaeolimnology study of ancient lakes
palaeopedology study of early soils
palaeophile antiquarian
palaeosophy ancient learning or thought
palaestra wrestling school; gymnasium
palaetiology application of principles of causation to past events
palafitte prehistoric lake dwelling
palamate having webbed feet
palanquin light litter for one passenger
palatine having royal authority over a region
palative pleasing to the taste or to the palate
palatography recording position of tongue against hard palate during speech
palaver to talk profusely or idly
paleaceous chaffy; like or resembling chaff
paleobotany study of ancient plants
paleo-osteology study of ancient bones
paletot loose overcoat
palette small plate covering the armpit joint in a suit of armour
palewise (of heraldic charges) oriented vertically
palfrenier groom
palfrey riding horse, especially one for a lady
palification the act of strengthening with stakes
paliform shaped like a stake
palilalia disorder characterized by rapid repetition of words
palillogy repetition of a word or word or phrase
palimbacchius metrical foot of two long and one short syllable
palimpsest manuscript or paper that is erased and then written over
palingenesis new birth; reincarnation; second creation
palingman seller of fish or eels
palinode poem in which earlier thoughts or feelings are retracted
palinola compulsive repetition of an act until it is perfect
palinspastic showing geological formations of an area as they existed in the past
palisade fence of stakes used for defensive purposes
pall covering cloth laid upon Communion chalice
palladian of, like or pertaining to wisdom or learning
pallasethesia sense of vibration
pallescent turning pale
palliament white robe or gown
palliasse straw mattress
palliate to ease with out curing; to extenuate
pallid pale; wan
pallium white woollen band symbolising archbishop's authority
pallograph instrument measuring ship's vibration
palmar of, like or pertaining to the palm
palmarian pre-eminent
palmary principal; meritorious
palmate hand-shaped
palmiped web-footed
palpebral of, like or pertaining to the eyelid
palpebration winking
palter to trifle in talk; to use trickery; to equivocate
paltripolitan term of scorn applied to city-dwellers or urban life
paludal of, like or pertaining to marshes; marshy; malarial
paludicolous growing in marshes; marsh-dwelling
paludism marsh fever; malaria
paludose marshy; living in marshes
palynology study of pollen
palzogony love-play; foreplay
pam card game in which jack of club has highest value
pampiniform like a tendril
panaceist believer in panaceas
panaesthesia totality of perception; general awareness
panaesthetism theory that consciousness may inhere generally in matter
panarchy universal rule or dominion
panary of, like or pertaining to bread; bread store
panatella long; thin cigar
panchion coarse earthenware pan
panchreston panacea
pancosmism theory that the material universe is all that exists
pancratic excelling all round in athletics or accomplishments
pancyclopaedic encyclopaedic
pandation warping
pandect treatise covering the whole of a subject
pandemian vulgar; sensual
pandemic universal; affecting majority of people in a region
pandemonism worship of spirits dwelling in all forms of nature
pandiculation the act of stretching and yawning
panduriform fiddle-shaped
panegoism solipsism
panegyric elaborate and poetic compliment; eulogy; laudation
panegyricon collection of sermons for Orthodox church festivals
panegyry grand assembly; religious festival
paneity the state of being bread
panentheism belief that world is part but not all of God's being
pangamy random or unrestricted mating
pangeometry extension of geometry to more than three dimensions
Panglossian overly optimistic
pangram sentence containing all the letters of the alphabet
panhygrous moist in all parts
panification conversion into bread
panivorous bread-eating
panjandrum imaginary potentate of great power and self-importance
panmixia cessation of the influence of natural selection
panmnesia belief that all mental impressions are stored in memory
pannage food picked up by swine in woods; right to pasture swine
panne heavy lustrous silk or rayon with waxy feel
pannicle thin sheet-like vestment
pannier provision-basket; basket carried over one's back
pannikin small metal cup
pannose like felt
pannychis all-night vigil in preparation for Orthodox church feast
panomphaean all-oracular
panophobia melancholia marked by groundless fears
panoptic all-embracing; viewing all aspects
panopticon prison where all inmates can be watched from one point
panpharmacon universal remedy
panplain flat area consisting of several joined floodplains
panpsychism theory that all nature has a psychic side
panpygoptosis shortness of the legs
pansexualism theory that all thought derived from sexual instinct
pansophy universal knowledge
panspermatism belief in origin of life from extraterrestrial germs
pantagamy universal bachelorhood; free love
pantagruelian marked by extravagant and coarse satire
pantarchy government by all the people; world government
pantechnicon receptacle holding many miscellaneous objects
pantheism belief that the universe is God; belief in many gods
pantisocracy government by all equally
pantler officer in a household in charge of bread
pantochronometer combined sundial and compass
pantoglot speaker of all languages
pantograph instrument for copying drawing to a different scale
pantograph apparatus connecting streetcar to overhead wires
pantology system of universal knowledge
pantomnesia remembrance of everything ever learned
pantomorphic taking on all shapes
pantophagy omnivorousness
pantophobia fear of everything
pantopragmatic meddling in everybody's business
pantoscope panoramic camera
pantosophy universal knowledge; pansophy
panurgic good at all kinds of tasks
panzoism belief that humans and animals share vital life energy
paparchy government by the pope
papaverous of, like or pertaining to poppies
papeterie packaged fancy stationery; stationery-case
papilionaceous of, like or pertaining to butterflies
papilla nipple-like projection
papilliferous bearing papillae
papilliform nipple-shaped
papillose having nipples or papillae
pappus downy beginnings of a beard
papren stone passing through a wall from face to face
papulation the development of papillae or pimples
papule pimple
papuliferous pimply; bearing or pertaining to pimples
papyraceous like paper; papery
papyrocracy government by newspapers or literature
papyrology study of paper
papyrotamia manufacture of paper flowers
parabasis speech where the chorus advances and addresses audience
parabiosis physical union of two embryos or organisms
parablepsis false vision; oversight
parabolanus layman who tends the sick
parabolaster a parabola of a higher degree
paraboliform shaped like a parabola
parabolist teller of parables
paracentral situated near the centre
parachronism representation of something as being newer than it is
paraclete advocate or intercessor; the Holy Spirit acting in such a role
paracme decline; period following the zenith or acme
paracoita female sexual partner
paracoitus male sexual partner
paracrostic poem whose initial letters reproduce its first verse
paracusis disordered hearing
paradisiacal suggestive of a place or state of perfect bliss
parados earthworks defending against a rear attack
paradoxology holding or maintaining paradoxes
paradromic adjacent; side by side
paraenesis exhortation
paraesthesia tingling sensation on the skin
parage high birth or rank; equality of birth or status
paragenesis formation of minerals as a joined mass
paragnosia misunderstanding
paragnosis skill in matters immune to scientific investigation
paragoge addition of a sound to end of word
paragram play on words in which letters are changed
paragraphia writing of different letters and words than intended
parakinesis production of movement of objects by a spiritualist
paralalia abnormality of speech sounds
paralipomenon thing left out; added in supplement
paralipsis fixing attention on subject by pretending to neglect it
parallax seeming change of object position due to observer moving
parallelepiped solid figure with each face a parallelogram
parallelism belief that matter and mind don't interact but relate
paralogise to reason falsely
paralogism false reasoning
paramatta worsted and cotton blend
paramedian near the middle line
parament rich decoration, hanging or robe
paramnesia abnormality of memory; inability to remember meaning of word
paranatellon a star that rises at the same time as another star
paranym euphemism; word whose meaning altered to conceal evasion
paranymph one who solicits for another; best man or bridesmaid
paraph flourish under one's signature
paraphasia disorder in which one word substituted for another
paraphilia any abnormal sexual attraction
paraphonia alteration of the voice; as at puberty
paraphrast one who paraphrases
paraphraxis inability to perform purposive movements properly
parapraxis blunder; error; mistake
parapsychology study of unexplained mental phenomena
pararthria incoherence
paraselene mock moon; bright patch on a lunar halo
parasigmatism inability to pronounce the sound 's'
parasitaster a mean or sorry parasite
parasiticide killing of parasites
parastatal indirectly controlled by the state
parastatic of, like or pertaining to protective mimicry of animals
parasuicide harmful act appearing to be an attempt at suicide
parasynesis corruption of forms of words
parasynthesis derivation of words using hyphenated compounds
parataxis organization of clauses without connectives
parathesis apposition; compounding of words without change
paratonic arresting growth
paravail inferior; lowest; of least account
paravane device used to cut underwater cables
paravant in front; first; beforehand
paravent wind screen
parbreak to vomit
parbuckle sling made by wrapping both ends of rope around object
parcel partly
parcenary co-heirship
parciloquy laconic speech
parclose railing in church enclosing altar, chapel or tomb
pardie mild oath; certainly or truly
pardine of, like or pertaining to leopards
pardine of or related to leopards
pardoner one who raises money for religious works by selling indulgences
paregmenon repetition of a word or its cognates in a series of words
paregoric soothing; lessening pain
parembole insertion of something related to the subject into a phrase
parentalia feasts or rites in memory of deceased parents
parentelic related by blood
parenticide killing or killer of one's parents
parergon work undertaken in addition to one's employment
pareschatology doctrine dealing with matters after death but before the end of the world
paresis omission of an element from a word
pareunia coitus
parfay by my faith; verily
parfleche dried buffalo skin
parget to plaster over; to cover with ornamental plasterwork
parhelion halo-like light seen in sky opposite the sun
paribuntal fine straw used to make hats
parietal of a wall or walls, especially anatomical walls
parietals school rules regarding inter-gender contact
parine of, like or pertaining to titmouses
parison lump of glass before it is moulded into its final shape
paristhimion tonsil
parisyllabic having the same number of syllables in all forms
parity condition or fact of having born children
parlous full of danger or risk
Parnassian poetic
parnel mistress or concubine of a priest; harlot
parochial local; confined to one region
parodinia difficult childbirth
paroemia proverb; adage
paroemiographer writer of proverbs
paroemiology study of proverbs
paromoeon alliteration
paromology concession of opponent's point to strengthen one's own point
paronomasia play on words; punning
paronym word from same root or having same sound as another
parorexia desire to eat strange foods
parotic near or adjacent to the ear
parous bearing or having borne offspring
parousia second coming of Christ
parousiamania obsession with the second coming of Christ
paroxysm fit of passion; laughter; coughing; sudden violent action
paroxytone having an acute accent on the next to last syllable
parquet floor-covering of fitted wooden blocks
parr young salmon
parrel band by which a yard is fastened to a mast
parrhesia boldness of speech
parricide killing of parent or close relative
parse to describe a word fully in terms of classification
parsonarchy government by parsons
parterre pit of a theatre
parthenian of, like or pertaining to virgins
parthenogenesis reproduction by a virgin or by means of an unfertilized egg
parthenolatry worship of the Virgin Mary
parthenology study of virgins
parthophobia fear of virgins
partible that may be divided up or parted
partim in part
partitive indicating a part of a larger whole
partocracy government by a single unopposed political party
parturition the act of giving birth
parure a set of ornaments or jewels
parvanimity smallness of mind
parvenu one suddenly risen to wealth without great social rank
parvipotent having little power
parvis enclosed space at the front of a church
parviscient having little knowledge
pascual growing on land used for grazing; of, like or pertaining to pastures
paseo leisurely stroll; march of bullfighters into arena
pashmina fine goat's wool fabric used for making shawls
pasigraphy a system of universal ideographic writing
paso-doble quick Spanish one-step dance
pasquilant lampooner
pasquin to lampoon
pasquinade to lampoon; a lampoon
passacaglia slow solemn Italian or Spanish dance
passade motion of horse to and fro over ground in dressage
passalorynchite one who takes a religious vow of silence
passant heraldic animal depicted walking
passement decorative trimming of beads or braid
passepied Breton dance resembling a quick minuet
passerine of, like or pertaining to sparrows
passible susceptible to or capable of suffering or of feeling
passim everywhere; dispersedly
passimeter instrument for issuing automatic tickets
passivate to coat metal with oxides to protect from corrosion
passulate to dry grapes
passus section of a poem or story
pastance pastime
pastern rope, strap or chain used to tie horse by its leg
pastiche medley, composed from different sources; imitative work
pastille small cone of charcoal burned as incense
pastose painted thickly
pastourelle medieval poem between knight and shepherdess
patagium wing-membrane of flying mammal
pataphysics the science of imaginary solutions
patation act of drinking
patavinity provincialism; dialectal term
patefaction disclosure; opening; manifestation
patelliform shaped like a saucer or kneecap
paten plate; metal disk used to hold Communion bread
pateriform saucer-shaped
pathic passive; a passive subject
pathogenesis causation or production of disease
pathognomic indicative of a specific disease
pathomania moral insanity
pathophobia fear of disease
pathopoeia excitation of passion by rhetoric or poetry
patible capable of suffering or being acted on; passible
patibulary of, like or pertaining to the gallows
patibulate to execute by hanging
patina film or surface that forms on surface of metal or wood
patination formation of a film on copper from exposure
patrial of, like or pertaining to one's native land
patrimony inheritance from father or ancestors
patriolatry excessive devotion or worship of one's native country
patroclinous having inherited paternal characteristics
patrology study of early Christianity
patronym name derived from father's name
patroon captain of a ship; coxswain of a longboat
patruity degree of relationship of paternal uncle
patte narrow band keeping a belt or sash in its place
patten wooden shoe; clog; base of a pillar
patulous spreading; wide-spreading; open
pauciloquent of few words; speaking little
pauldron shoulder-plate of suit of armour
paulopast just finished or past
paulopost just after
pavage charge for paving streets
pavane stately English Renaissance court dance
pavé setting of jewellery with stones close together
pavid timid
pavior one who lays down paving stones
pavis shield for the entire body
pavonated peacock-blue
pavonian of, like or pertaining to peacocks
pavonine of, like or pertaining to peacocks
pax tablet decorated with sacred figure and kissed by participants in mass
paxillose resembling a small stake
paynimry heathendom
paysage landscape
paysagist painter of landscapes
peatary region, bog or moor covered with peat
peavey lumberman's spiked and hooked lever
peccable liable to sin
peccadillo a slight offense or sin
peccaminous sinful
peccancy sinfulness; transgression
peccavi admission of sin or guilt
peck unit of dry measure equal to 8 quarts
pecorous full of cows
pectinal of a comb; comb-like
pectination comb-like structure
pectineal of the pubic bone
pectiniform shaped like a comb
pectize to congeal; to cause to set
pectoriloquy sound of patient's voice as heard through stethoscope
pecudiculture rearing of cattle
peculation embezzlement
peculium private property; especially when given by father to son
pecuniary of, like or pertaining to money; consisting of money
ped naturally formed mass or aggregate of soil
pedagogics study of teaching
pedagoguery schoolmastering; teaching
pedalian of, like or pertaining to the foot or to metrical feet
pedaneous going on foot; pedestrian; of lowly or petty standing
pedantocracy government by pedants or strict rule-bound scholars
pedary of, like or pertaining to walking or feet
pedate footed; having feet; like a foot
pederasty anal intercourse between a man and a boy
pedetentous proceeding slowly
pedicel stalk of an animal organ
pedicle bony protrusion of the skull from which an antler grows
pedicular of, like or pertaining to lice
pediculophobia fear of lice
pediculous lousy
pediform shaped like a foot
pedigerous having or bearing feet
pediluvium foot bath
pedimanous having feet shaped like hands
pediment triangular structure crowning front of a Greek building
pedipulate to work or knead with the feet
pedological of, like or pertaining to soils
pedology study of soils
pedomancy divination by examining the soles of the feet
pedometer instrument for measuring distance travelled on foot
peduncle stem or stalk of a flower
pegamoid artificial leather
pegomancy divination by springs or fountains
peignoir woman's dressing-gown
peirameter instrument measuring resistance of road surfaces to wheel movement
peirastic experimental; tentative
peise weight; burden; load
pejorate to worsen; to depreciate
pejorism severe pessimism
pekin fine soft silk
pelage animal's coat of hair or wool
pelagic oceanic; inhabiting or carried out in the deep sea
pelargic of, like or pertaining to storks
pelasgic nomadic
pelatast ancient Greek shield-bearing soldier
pelecoid shaped like a hatchet; a hatchet-shaped geometrical figure
pelerine woman's fur cape
pelisse fur-lined or fur garment
pelitic composed of fine sediment
pellate to divide; to separate
pellicle thin skin or film
pellicule thin diaphanous fabric
pellucid completely clear; transparent
pelma sole of foot
pelmatogram footprint
pelmet fringe or valance for hiding a curtain rod
peloid mud or other semi-solid medium used in baths
pelology study of mud
pelotherapy treatment by mud baths
peltastiform shield-shaped
peltiferous bearing a shield
peltry skins of animals with the fur on them
pelurious furry; hairy
pelviform basin-shaped
pelvimeter instrument for measuring the pelvis
pembroke small four-legged table with hinged flaps
pemphigus skin condition characterized by watery boils on the body
penacute having an acute accent on the penultimate syllable; paroxytone
penanggalan female vampire of Malay mythology
penannular in the form of an almost complete ring
penates household gods of a Roman family
pencilliform paintbrush-shaped
pendeloque drop pendant
pendent hanging; drooping; dangling
pendicle pendant, dependency or appendage
pendular of, like or pertaining to a pendulum
penduline building a pendulous nest
pendulograph curve representing combination of musical sounds
penecontemporaneous of geological processes occurring immediately after deposition
penectomy surgical removal of the penis
penelopize to create work as an excuse to deter suitors
peneplain land worn down by denudation to almost be a plain
penetralia inmost parts of a building or temple; innermost secrets
penetrometer instrument for measuring firmness or consistency of substances
penial of, like or pertaining to the penis
pennaceous featherlike
pennate winged; feathered
penniferous bearing feathers
penniform feather-shaped
pennyweight unit of troy weight equal to 24 grains
penology study of crime and punishment
pensile hanging; suspended; overhanging
pensum task; school imposition
pentad set of five things
pentagamist person who has or has had five spouses
pentalogy state of being in five parts
pentamerous having five parts or members
pentapolis alliance of five cities
pentarchy government by five individuals
pentateuch the first five books of the Old Testament
pentheraphobia fear or hatred of one's mother-in-law
pentimento revealing of part of a painting beneath a newer one
penury destitution; poverty
peotillomania abnormal compulsion for pulling on the penis
peotomy surgical removal of the penis
per through; according to; by means or agency of
peracute very sharp or violent; very acute
peradventure perhaps; possibly; by adventure; by chance
peragrate to travel over or through
percale closely woven lightweight cloth
percaline glossy lightweight cotton
percheron dappled cart horse
percipient perceiving; observant; perceptive
percoct well-cooked; overdone
percurrent running through the whole length
percutaneous done or applied through the skin
percutient striking or having the power to strike; percussive
perdicine of, like or pertaining to partridges
perdricide killer of partridges
perduellion treason
perdure to endure over a period of time
peregal fully equal
peregrination journey, especially on foot or to a foreign country
peregrinity foreignness; outlandishness
perennate to live perennially; to survive from season to season
perequitate to ride through on horseback
perfectibilian believer in the perfectibility of mankind
perfectibilism doctrine that humans capable of becoming perfect
perfectionism doctrine that moral perfection constitutes the highest value
perfervid very fervid; ardent; eager
perficient effectual; actually achieving a result
perfuse to pour or diffuse through or over
pergameneous like or resembling parchment
pergola arched framework for climbing plants
periaster point in orbit of a body in which it is nearest to a specified star
peribolos precinct; enclosing wall of a precinct
pericentral surrounding a centre or central body
periclinal sloping downwards in all directions from a point
periclitate to endanger; to jeopardise
pericope an excerpt or passage read during religious services
periculous dangerous
periegesis description in the manner of a tour; journey through
periodontics study of gums
perioeci individuals living at same latitude on opposite sides of earth
periotic around the ear
peripatetic wandering about; itinerant
peripetia sudden change of fortune
periphrasis circumlocution; round-about expression
periplus a voyage or trip around something
peripteral having a row of columns on every side
periscian person living inside the polar circle
perispomenon having a circumflex accent on the final syllable
perissology verbiage; pleonasm
perissosyllabic having an additional syllable
perissotomist knife-happy surgeon
peristalith ancient stone circle
peristeronic of, like or pertaining to pigeons
peristerophily pigeon-collecting
peristrephic moving round; revolving; rotatory
peristyle range of columns around a building or courtyard
peritectic in the state between solid and liquid; melting
periwinkle a bluish or azure colour; a plant with bluish flowers
perlaceous pearly
perlative indicating movement through or across
perliginous producing pearls
perlocution effect produced when a particular word is uttered
perlustrate to traverse and inspect carefully
permeameter instrument for measuring permeability
pernicious destructive; ruinous; fatal
pernoctate to pass the night in vigil or prayer
pernor one who takes or receives
peroral through the mouth
perorate to speak grandiosely or grandiloquently
peroration lengthy part of speech; especially a conclusion
perpend to weigh in the mind; to consider carefully
perpilocutionist one who speaks through his hat
perron raised platform or terrace at an entrance door
perruquier wigmaker
perscrutation thorough search
perse dark blue or bluish-grey; cloth of such a colour
perseity independent existence
perseverate to repeat an action continually or habitually
persiennes outside shutters with movable slats
persiflage banter; flippancy; idle chatter
personalia personal details, possessions or stories
personalism doctrine that humans possess spiritual freedom
personalty personal belongings and property
perspicacious clear-minded; astute; perceptive
perspicuous easily understood; clearly expressed
perstringe to constrain; to touch on; to censure
pertinacity quality of holding unyieldingly to a position
pertuse punched; pierced; slit
pertussis whooping cough
peruke a frilly wig
perulate scaly; having scaled skin
pervicacious very obstinate
pervigilium night vigil
pervious permeable; penetrable
pessary suppository inserted into the vagina
pessimal least favourable
pessimum point at which any condition is least favourable
pessomancy divination using pebbles
pestiferous bringing plague or pestilence
pestology science of pests
petaliferous bearing petals
petary peat-bog
petaurist flying phalanger
petcock valve for draining condensed steam from engine cylinders
petrary contrivance for hurling stones
petrean of, like or pertaining to or made of rock
petrichor pleasant smell accompanying the first rain after a dry spell
petricolous living in or near rocks
petrissage massage by longitudinal rubbing and lateral squeezing
petrogenesis formation or development of rocks
petroleous containing or rich in petroleum
petroliferous bearing petroleum
petrology study of rocks
petrophilous living on or thriving in rocky areas
petrous stony
pettifogger a lawyer given to underhanded tactics
pettitoes pigs' feet as food
petulcous butting like a ram
pewfellow one who occupies the same pew as another
pexity roughness of the nap of cloth
phacochoerine of, like or pertaining to warthogs
phacoid lens-shaped
phacometer instrument for measuring lenses
phaeic dusky
phaeism duskiness
phaeton open four-wheeled carriage
phagomania excessive desire for food or eating
phagophobia fear of eating
phakic (of an eye) having a crystalline lens
phalacrosis baldness
phalanstery dwelling of a communal group or phalanx of individuals
phallephoric carrying the penis
phallic of, pertaining to or resembling a penis
phallocracy government by men
phallocrat one who assumes the naturality of male dominance
phaneromania habit of biting one's nails
phanerosis act or process of becoming visible
phanic visible; obvious
phanopoeia visual imagery in poetry
phaometer old instrument for measuring light intensity
pharisaic hypocritical
pharmacognosy study of drugs of animal and plant origin
pharmacology study of drugs
pharmacomania abnormal obsession with trying drugs
pharmacometer instrument for measuring drugs
pharmacopolist drug-seller; pharmacist; apothecary
pharology study of lighthouses
pharos lighthouse or beacon
pharyngology study of the throat
pharyngoscope instrument for inspecting the pharynx
phassachate lead-coloured agate
phatic using speech for social reasons or to communicate feelings
phellem cork
phelloid cork-like
phelloplastic a model in cork
phememe smallest possible linguistic unit
phemic of, like or pertaining to speech
phenakistoscope early cinematograph in which figures are viewed through a slit
phenetic of, like or pertaining to classification by phenotype
phengite bright and beautiful kind of alabaster
phengophobia fear of daylight
phenogenesis origin of racial groups
phenology study of organisms as affected by climate
phenomenalism belief that phenomena are the only realities
phenomenology study of phenomena
pheon the barbed head of a dart or arrow in heraldry
pheretrer keeper of a shrine
phialiform saucer-shaped
phialine resembling a phial
philalethist lover of truth
philately study of postage stamps
philematology the act or study of kissing
philematophobe one who dislikes kissing
philhippic loving or admiring horses
philippic speech or writing full of bitter condemnation
philistine materialistic in outlook; uncultured
phillumeny collecting of matchbox labels
philocaly love of beauty
philodemic fond of commoners or the lower classes
philodox one who loves his own opinions; dogmatic person
philogyny love of women
philologaster petty or contemptible philologist
philology study of ancient texts; historical linguistics
philomath lover of learning
philomelian of, like or pertaining to nightingales
philonoist one who seeks knowledge
philopornist lover of prostitutes
philoprogenitive of, like or pertaining to instinctive love for offspring
philosophaster amateur or superficial philosopher
philosophocracy government by philosophers
philotechnical devoted to the arts
philotherianism love of animals
philoxenia hospitality
phimosis inability to retract the prepuce of the penis
phlebography description or examination of a vein
phlebotomy blood-letting
phlegmatic of a calm; unexcitable disposition
phlogiston nonexistent principle of flammability inherent in matter
phlogogenetic causing inflamation
phocine of, like or pertaining to seals
phocomelia having limbs like a seal's flippers
phoeniceous bright scarlet-red colour
phoenicopter flamingo
pholidosis arrangement of scales, as in fish and reptiles
phon unit of loudness of sound as heard by listeners
phonascus person who maintains rhythm in church choir
phonasthenia weakness of voice
phonation production of vocal sound
phonautograph instrument for recording sound vibrations
phonendoscope device which amplifies small sounds
phonesis production of speech sounds
phoniatrics study and correction of speech defects
phonomania pathological tendency to murder
phonometer instrument for measuring sound levels
phonophobia fear of noise or of speaking aloud
phonophorous transmitting sound waves
phorometer instrument used to correct abnormalities in eye muscles
phosphene light seen when the eyeball is pressed
phossy caused by phosphorus
photaesthesia sense of vision
photic light-giving; sensitive to light; penetrated by light
photism illusory vision of light
photobiology study of effects of light on organisms
photodromy motion towards light
photoglyph photographic engraving
photogyric turning towards light
photolysis disintegration resulting from exposure to radiation
photomania pathological desire for light
photometer instrument for measuring light intensity
photon unit of brightness of light as received at the retina
photophile organism loving or thriving in light
photophilous preferring or thriving in lighted conditions
photophobia fear of light
photophobia irrational fear or dislike of light
photophygous avoiding or disliking light
photopia vision in bright light
photopolarimeter instrument for measuring intensity and polarization of reflected light
photopsia appearance of light flashes due to retinal irritation
photosphere region of space lit by the sun
phototachometer instrument for measuring the speed of light
phototaxis growth or movement determined by light
phototelegraph instrument for transmitting drawings telegraphically
phototonus sensitivity to light
phraseology study of phrases
phratry clan or tribe
phreatic of, like or pertaining to underground water supplying or wells
phrenesis delirium; frenzy
phrenic of or near the midriff
phrenology study of bumps on the head
phrontistery a thinking-place; place for study
phthartic deadly; destructive
phthirophagous lice-eating
phthongal of, pertaining to, or consisting of a sound; vocalized
phthongometer instrument measuring intensity of vowel sounds
phugoid of, like or pertaining to the longitudinal stability of aircraft
phycology study of algae and seaweeds
phygogalactic halting milk production
phylactic defending against disease
phylarchy government by a specific class or tribe
phyle division of the people of a state into local clans
phylliform shaped like a leaf
phylline leaf-like
phyllomancy divination using leaves or tea leaves
phyllomania excessive or abnormal production of leaves
phyllophagous leaf-eating
phyllophorous leafy; bearing or having leaves
phylogenesis origin and history of a species' evolution
physagogue substance causing flatulence
physicalism belief that all phenomena reducible to verifiable assertions
physiocracy government according to natural laws or principles
physiognomancy divination by studying the face
physiognomy general appearance of anything, especially the face
physiolatry nature-worship
physiologus work containing descriptions of animals; a bestiary
physiophilosophy system of knowledge concerning principles of natural history
physiosophy assumption of knowledge of nature
physitheism attribution of physical form and attributes to deities
physiurgic due to natural causes
phytivorous feeding on plants
phytogenesis origin and development of plants
phytogenic derived from plants
phytoid plant-like
phytology study of plants; botany
phytomania obsession with collecting plants
phytophilous fond of plants
phytosophy knowledge of plants
piacular expiatory; atrociously bad
pibcorn old Welsh instrument like a hornpipe
pibroch piece of music for bagpipe
pica craving to eat dust
picamar bitter oily liquid obtained from tar
picaresque of, like or pertaining or pertaining to rogues or roguish behaviour
picaroon person who lives by his or her wits; rogue or scoundrel
picayune five-cent-piece or other coin of little value
piceous like pitch; inflammable; reddish black
piciform of the form or shape of a woodpecker
piciform of the nature of or resembling pitch
picine of, like or pertaining to woodpeckers
pickery petty theft under Scottish law
picksome particular; picky
pickthank sycophant; flatterer
picot loop in an ornamental edging; raised knot in embroidery
piebald of an animal, consisting of two or more colours
pied variegated; of various colours
piedroit square pillar attached to wall, lacking both base and capital
piend a salient angle
pierage fee paid for use of a pier
pieta representation of Virgin Mary with dead Christ across her knees
pietism unquestioning or dogmatic religious devotion
piezometer instrument for measuring pressure or compressibility
piggin small pail or bowl made of staves and hoops
pight to pitch
pigmentocracy government by those of one skin colour
pignorate to give or take in pledge or pawn
pigsconce blockhead
pilaster square column partially embedded in a wall
pilch fur or wool outergarment; rug laid over saddle
pilcrow paragraph-mark
pile upside-down wedge at an acute angle on a coat of arms
pileated cap-shaped; crested; capped
pileiform shaped like an umbrella
pileum top of a bird's head
pileus umbrella-shaped portion of a mushroom
pilgarlick poor wretch; self-pitying person
piliferous bearing or growing hair
piliform shaped like hair
pillion light pillow or saddle for a woman rider
pilliwinks torture instrument for crushing fingers
pillory wooden frame with holes for head and hands used as punishment
pilose having scattered soft or moderately stiff hairs
pilule little pill
piment spiced sweetened wine
pinacotheca picture-gallery
pinafore loose protective garment worn over a dress
pinchbeck cheap copper and zinc alloy; spurious or trashy
pinder one who impounds cattle
pineal shaped like a pine-cone
pinetum collection or plantation of pine trees
pingo cone-shaped mound with ice core
pinguefy to become or make fat or greasy; to make rich
pinguid fat
pinion small wheel with teeth
pinion wing; last joint of a wing; outermost flight feather
pinnace small vessel with oars and sails
pinnate shaped like a feather
pinniped seals, walruses, and other such sea mammals
pintle bolt or pin on which something turns, as a hinge
piolet ice-axe
pipe unit of liquid capacity equal to two hogsheads
pipistrelle small reddish-brown bat
pipkin small pot
piqué stiff durable corded fabric of cotton, rayon or silk
piscary the right of fishing; a fishing pond
piscatology study of fishes
piscatorial of, like or pertaining to fishing or fishers
piscicapturist fisherman
piscifauna fish life of an area
pisciform shaped like a fish
piscina basin set in wall of church to drain away ceremonial water
piscine of, like or pertaining to fish
piscivorous fish-eating
pisiform shaped like a pea
pismire an ant; something or someone insignificant
pismirism hoarding of small or insignificant things
pisteology science or study of faith
pistiology doctrine concerning faith
pistology branch of theology concerned with faith
pitchometer instrument for measuring angles of ship's propeller blades
piteous arousing or deserving pity
pityroid bran-like
pixilated bemused; bewildered; intoxicated
pizzle bull's penis used as instrument of punishment by flogging
placage covering of walls with thin marble slabs or with plaster
placee investor who is sold shares by private placement
placentiform cake-shaped
placentigerous bearing a placenta
placentophagy eating of the placenta
placet vote of assent in a governing body
placitum decision of a court or an assembly
placket opening in a skirt or shirt for a pocket
placoid plate-like; having plate-like scales
plafond decorated ceiling
plagate marked with a streak or streaks
plage fashionable beach
plagiary one who plagiarises
plagium the crime of kidnapping
plainstones flagstone side-pavement of a street
planation making level
planchet blank metal disc to be stamped as a coin
planchette board or similar tool used in interpreting spirit messages
planetesimal of, like or pertaining to asteroids or similar tiny celestial bodies
planetic erring; erratic
planetogeny theory of the origin of planets
planetolatry worship of the planets
planetology study of planets
plangency resonance; noisiness
plangent deep or loud sounding
plangorous mournful
planigraph instrument for copying drawings at a different scale
planimeter instrument for measuring area of plane figures
planipennate having flat; broad wings
planish to polish; to flatten
planisphere sphere projected onto a plane; map of the heavens
planity the quality of being plane
plankwise in the manner or direction of a plank
planography cartography
planomania abnormal desire to wander and disobey social norms
planster petty or poor planner
plantar of, like or pertaining to the sole of the foot
plantigrade walking fully on the soles of the feet
plantivorous plant-eating
plantocracy government by plantation owners
plapper to make sounds with the lips
plash dash of water
plashy full of pools or puddles; marshy or boggy
plasmophagous consuming plasma
plastron fencer's padded breast-shield; steel breastplate worn under hauberk
plataleiform spoonbilled; of the shape of a spoonbill
platband flat molding that exceeds its projection; fillet between column's flutings
plateasm broad speech; talking with the mouth open too wide
platilla fine white linen
platiniferous bearing platinum
platitude commonplace or trite remark made as if it were important
platitudinarian one who utters platitudes
platometer instrument for measuring area; planimeter
platten to flatten into a plate or sheet
platurous flat-tailed
platypodia flat-footedness
platypussary building or pen where platypuses are kept
platysma broad sheet of muscle in the neck
plauditory issuing enthusiastic approval or applause
plaustral of, like or pertaining to a wagon
playa basin which becomes a shallow lake after heavy rainfall
pleach to intertwine the branches of
pleasance pleasure; enjoyment; complaisance
plebania mother-church having authority over several local churches
plebeian of the common people or vulgar classes
plebification making something vulgar or plebeian
plebiscitarism principle or practice of using plebiscites
plectile woven or plaited
plectrum pick for stringed instruments
pledget wad of cotton or lint used to dress a wound
plegometer instrument for measuring the strength of a blow
pleiomery condition of having more than the normal number
pleiomorphy occurrence of several distinct stages in the life cycle of an organism
plemyrameter instrument for measuring variations in water level
plenary full; entire; complete; absolute; unqualified
plenicorn having solid horns (as a deer)
pleniloquence excessive talking; fullness of speech
plenilunar of, like or pertaining to the full moon
plenilune full moon
plenipotence absolute power
plenitude fullness; completeness; abundance; sufficiency
plenum space completely filled with matter
pleochroic displaying different colours when seen from different directions
pleonasm redundancy; use of more words than necessary
pleonectic greedy; covetous
pleonexia greed; avarice
pleroma fullness; abundance
plerophory full conviction
plethysmograph instrument for measuring change in body part size due to blood flow
pleurotropous laterally flattened
plexiform shaped like a network
plexure network; web; interweaving
plexus network
plicated folded fanwise; pleated
plication the act of folding
plimsoll rubber-soled canvas shoe
plinth rectangular base of column or pedestal
pliofilm thin waterproof transparent sheet used for packaging
pliothermic of, like or pertaining to periods of above-average temperatures
plissé fabric with puckered finish
ploce repetition of word in more expressive sense for emphasis
plodge to trudge through anything in which the feet sink
plosion release of breath after consonant
plousiocracy government by the wealthy; plutocracy
plumassier worker in feathers; feather-seller
plumbago graphite
plumbeous leaden; lead-coloured
plumbiferous bearing or yielding lead
plumbism lead poisoning
plumbless incapable of being sounded
plumeopicean of tar and feathers
plumigerous plumaged
plumiped having feathered feet
plumulate downy
pluralism belief that reality consists of several kinds or entities
plurennial lasting or surviving many years
pluriliteral of more than three letters
plurinominal having more than one name
pluriparous giving birth to multiple young in a single birth
pluripresence presence in multiple places at one time
pluriserial in several rows
plutarchy government by the wealthy; plutocracy
plutocracy government by the wealthy
plutolatry worship of wealth
plutology political economy; study of wealth
plutomania mania for money
pluton mass of rock solidified under earth's surface
plutonic of volcanic or deep origin
plutonomy economics
pluvial floor-length open-fronted ecclesiastical garment
pluviograph self-registering rain gauge
pluviometer rain-meter
pluviose rainy
pneometer instrument that measures respiration
pneumatics study of mechanics of gases
pneumatographer one who receives and writes spirit messages
pneumatolith stone in the lung
pneumatology theory of the existence of spirits
pneumatomachy denial of the divinity of the Holy Ghost
pneumatometer instrument for measuring quantity of air breathed
pneumatomorphic like a spirit
pneumatophany appearance of a spirit; especially the Holy Ghost
pneumatophilosophy philosophy of spirits or the spirit world
pneumatophony sound caused by a ghost or spirit
pneumatosis presence of gas in the body
pneumograph instrument for measuring and recording respiration
pnyx ancient Athenian place of assembly
poaceous of, like or pertaining or pertaining to grass
pochette pocket notecase or wallet
pochoir manual colour stencilling onto a printed illustration
pocillator cup-bearer
pococurante uninterested; indifferent; nonchalant; apathetic
poculation drinking of alcoholic beverages
poculent fit for drinking
poculiform cup-shaped
podagra gout
podagrous gouty
podalic of, like or pertaining to feet
podex rump; anal region
podiatry study and treatment of disorders of the foot; chiropody
podiform shaped like a pod
podobromhydrosis smelly feet
podocarp stalk that bears the fruit of a plant
podology study of the feet
podoscaph pedalled boat; canoe-shaped float attached to feet for walking on water
podzol acidic soil with ash-like subsurface layer
poecilomere part of an animal's body where colour variations first appear
poecilonym synonym; one of a variety of names for a thing
poêlée broth or stock
poephagous eating grass or herbs; herbivorous
poetaster petty poet; writer of contemptible verses
poetolatry worship of poets
poetomachia contest or quarrel among poets
pogamoggan wooden club with iron or stone piece on end, used by Indians
pogoniasis excessive growth of beard
pogonip dense fog of suspended ice particles
pogonology book or treatise on beards
pogonophile one who loves beards
pogonophobia fear of beards
pogonotomy shaving
pogonotrophy growing of a beard
pogrom organized massacre
poiesis creation
poikilitic mottled
poikilothermic cold-blooded
poimenic pastoral
pointel sharp instrument
pointillism use of separate dots of pure colour rather than blends
poise unit of viscosity of liquids
poitrel armour for a horse's breast
poivrade pepper sauce
pokerish causing terror; uncanny
polacca stately Polish dance; polonaise
polarchy government by many people; polyarchy
polarimeter instrument for measuring polarised light
polariscope instrument for detecting polarized light
polder piece of low-lying reclaimed land
pole unit of area equal to a square rod
polemarch ancient Greek military and civil officer
polemic controversial discussion or attack
polemology study of war
polemomania mania for war
polemoscope telescope with angled mirrors for seeing over walls or around corners
poleyn piece of armour for the knee
policeocracy government by police
policlinic outpatient department of hospital
poliorcectic of, like or pertaining to siegecraft or besiegement
poliosis premature graying of the hair
politicaster petty politician
politicomania mania for politics
polkamania craze for polka dancing
pollarchy government by the multitude or a mob; ochlocracy
pollard tree having the whole crown cut off
pollent strong
pollex the thumb
pollicitation promise; especially one not yet accepted
polliniferous bearing pollen
pollinigerous pollen-bearing
pollyanna one who is naively optimistic
polonaise stately Polish dance of moderate tempo
poltophagy prolonged chewing of food
poltroon craven; cowardly
polverine glass-makers' potash
polyacoustic amplifying sounds
polyaemia plethora
polyarchy government by many people
polychotomy division into many parts
polychrest thing or medicine useful in many ways
polycracy government by many rulers; polyarchy
polydemic native to several countries
polydipsia abnormal thirst
polyergic having many functions
polyethnic consisting of or derived from many races or ethnicities
polygenesis theory that humans derived from many separate origins
polygenous of multiple origin or composition
polygoneutic having several broods in each season
polyhidrosis excessive perspiration
polyhistor person of exceptionally broad knowledge
polylemma argument forcing choice between contradictory statements
polylith prehistoric monument consisting of many stones
polymania mania affecting several different mental faculties
polymath person possessing knowledge of many subjects
polymicrian compressed into a very small space
polymythy use of multiple plots in a single story
polynesic in multiple separate locations
polynia open water amid sea ice
polyommatous having many eyes
polyonym name consisting of several words
polyopia multiple vision
polyphagous eating many types of food
polypharmacy treatment with many medicines
polyphiloprogenitive very fertile; very imaginative
polyphloisbic loud-roaring
polyphyletic descending from more than one original type
polypnea rapid breathing
polypod many-legged animal
polypragmatist busybody
polypsychic having several souls
polysarcous obese
polysemant word with many meanings
polystachious having many spikes
polystichous arranged in many rows
polystomatous having many mouths
polystyle building having many columns
polysyllogism series of syllogisms where each is basis for next
polysyndeton rhetorical device of repeating conjunction for emphasis
polythalamous having many chambers
polytheism belief in multiple deities
polytocous producing many or several at a birth
pomace crushed apples for cider-making
pomaceous of, like or pertaining to or consisting of apples
pomade ointment for the hair
pomander ball of perfumes
pomiculture growing of fruit
pomiferous bearing apples
pomiform shaped like an apple
pomoerium open space around a town within the walls
pomology study of fruit-growing
ponceau poppy red
ponderation weighing or weighing up
pone card player on dealer's right responsible for cutting cards
ponent western
ponerology theological doctrine of wickedness or evil
pongee thin soft fabric woven from raw silk
poniard small dagger
pontage toll paid on bridges; tax for repairing bridges
pontifice bridge-work; a bridge
pontist bridge builder
pontlevis drawbridge
poodle coarsely looped or nubby fabric
poop enclosed structure at stern of ship above main deck
poophyte meadow plant
popinjay conceited person
popjoy to amuse oneself
poplin corded woven silk and worsted
popliteal of, like or pertaining to the back of the knee
popocracy government by populists
popple to flow tumblingly; to heave choppily
poppyhead raised ornament on top of upright end of seats in churches
poral of, like or pertaining to pores
porbeagle shark with a pointed snout
porcellanous resembling porcelain
porcine of, like or pertaining to pigs; swinish
porculation fattening or feeding of swine
porge to make meat kosher by removing veins and sinews from hindquarters
poriferous having pores
poriform having the form of a pore
poriomania abnormal compulsion to wander
porism geometrical expression of possibility of multiple solutions
porlocking irksome intrusion or interruption
pornbroker one who deals in pornography
pornerastic lecherous; bawdy; lewd
pornocracy government by harlots
pornogenarian dirty old man
pornolagnia desire for prostitutes
pornomania obsession with pornography
pornotopia perfect setting for the antics of pornography
porogamy fertilization of seed plants
poromeric permeable to water vapour
porometer instrument for measuring degree of porosity
poroplastic both porous and plastic
poroscope instrument for investigating porosity
porosis knitting together of broken bones
porphyrogenitic of royal birth
porphyrogeniture accession of 1st son born after father's accession
porphyrous purple
porphyry beautiful and valuable purplish stone
porraceous leek-green
porrect to stretch forth; to present
porriginous suffering from a scalp disease that causes baldness
porringer small dish for soup or porridge
portatile portable
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by maxxis »

Cell under the mattress capable of shaking a bed?

I would love to see that ;)
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by Tribble »

I believe in ghosties but not sure you should go looking for them. Perhaps the many many horror movies I have watch have conditioned me to believe that it is a bad idea.
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by lancelot »

Synthesis wrote:Here's the only explanation I can think of: Are you married? Maybe you have vibrating device somewhere. Could've even been a cell phone hidden under the mattress.

Otherwise to find out the truth get yourself a ouija board. :wink:
Just what are you suggesting? One of those big black dildo things? BTW, he is not married, otherwise it would have been obvious why the bed was vibrating.
I stayed in a motel in the States once that was a brothel over the weekends, you had theme rooms like, Greek gods, Roman, Japanese and so on, all the rooms had vibrating, coin fed, beds. :shock: :roll: :lol:
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by D3PART3D »

IcePick88 wrote:
SoulBlade wrote:Is it just me or is everybody quite calm about this?
Nobody wanna say the P-word? ;-)
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Word Definition
pabouche a slipper
pabulous of, like or pertaining to nourishment
pabulum food; provender; nourishment
pacable able to be appeased; willing to forgive
pace contrary to the opinion of; in respectful disagreement with
pachydermia elephantiasis
pachyglossal thick-tongued
pachymeter instrument for measuring small thicknesses
pachynsis thickening
paciferous peace-bringing
pacificate to give peace to
pactolian like or having golden-hued sands
padella shallow dish of fat with a wick used in illuminations
padrone innkeeper; employer
padronism system of obtaining labour through employment agents
paduasoy corded silk
paean song of thanksgiving
paedarchy government by children
paedobaptism doctrine of infant baptism
paedocracy government by children; paedarchy
paedogenesis reproduction by an infant or larval organism
paedology study of children
paedonymic name taken from one's child
paedophage eater of children
paedophilia abnormal love or sexual attraction for children
paedophobia fear of children; fear of dolls
paedotrophy art of rearing children
paginal of, like or pertaining to pages or pagination
pagophagia eating trays of ice to help offset iron deficiency
paideutic educational method or theory
paidonosology study of children's diseases; pediatrics
paillette a spangle
pais people from whom a jury is drawn
paisley soft wool fabric with ornamental pattern
paizogony necking; love-play
palabra a word; talk
palaceous spade-shaped
palaeoanthropology study of early humans
palaeobiology study of fossil plants and animals
palaeoclimatology study of ancient climates
palaeogaea the Old World as a biological region
palaeolimnology study of ancient fish
palaeolimnology study of ancient lakes
palaeopedology study of early soils
palaeophile antiquarian
palaeosophy ancient learning or thought
palaestra wrestling school; gymnasium
palaetiology application of principles of causation to past events
palafitte prehistoric lake dwelling
palamate having webbed feet
palanquin light litter for one passenger
palatine having royal authority over a region
palative pleasing to the taste or to the palate
palatography recording position of tongue against hard palate during speech
palaver to talk profusely or idly
paleaceous chaffy; like or resembling chaff
paleobotany study of ancient plants
paleo-osteology study of ancient bones
paletot loose overcoat
palette small plate covering the armpit joint in a suit of armour
palewise (of heraldic charges) oriented vertically
palfrenier groom
palfrey riding horse, especially one for a lady
palification the act of strengthening with stakes
paliform shaped like a stake
palilalia disorder characterized by rapid repetition of words
palillogy repetition of a word or word or phrase
palimbacchius metrical foot of two long and one short syllable
palimpsest manuscript or paper that is erased and then written over
palingenesis new birth; reincarnation; second creation
palingman seller of fish or eels
palinode poem in which earlier thoughts or feelings are retracted
palinola compulsive repetition of an act until it is perfect
palinspastic showing geological formations of an area as they existed in the past
palisade fence of stakes used for defensive purposes
pall covering cloth laid upon Communion chalice
palladian of, like or pertaining to wisdom or learning
pallasethesia sense of vibration
pallescent turning pale
palliament white robe or gown
palliasse straw mattress
palliate to ease with out curing; to extenuate
pallid pale; wan
pallium white woollen band symbolising archbishop's authority
pallograph instrument measuring ship's vibration
palmar of, like or pertaining to the palm
palmarian pre-eminent
palmary principal; meritorious
palmate hand-shaped
palmiped web-footed
palpebral of, like or pertaining to the eyelid
palpebration winking
palter to trifle in talk; to use trickery; to equivocate
paltripolitan term of scorn applied to city-dwellers or urban life
paludal of, like or pertaining to marshes; marshy; malarial
paludicolous growing in marshes; marsh-dwelling
paludism marsh fever; malaria
paludose marshy; living in marshes
palynology study of pollen
palzogony love-play; foreplay
pam card game in which jack of club has highest value
pampiniform like a tendril
panaceist believer in panaceas
panaesthesia totality of perception; general awareness
panaesthetism theory that consciousness may inhere generally in matter
panarchy universal rule or dominion
panary of, like or pertaining to bread; bread store
panatella long; thin cigar
panchion coarse earthenware pan
panchreston panacea
pancosmism theory that the material universe is all that exists
pancratic excelling all round in athletics or accomplishments
pancyclopaedic encyclopaedic
pandation warping
pandect treatise covering the whole of a subject
pandemian vulgar; sensual
pandemic universal; affecting majority of people in a region
pandemonism worship of spirits dwelling in all forms of nature
pandiculation the act of stretching and yawning
panduriform fiddle-shaped
panegoism solipsism
panegyric elaborate and poetic compliment; eulogy; laudation
panegyricon collection of sermons for Orthodox church festivals
panegyry grand assembly; religious festival
paneity the state of being bread
panentheism belief that world is part but not all of God's being
pangamy random or unrestricted mating
pangeometry extension of geometry to more than three dimensions
Panglossian overly optimistic
pangram sentence containing all the letters of the alphabet
panhygrous moist in all parts
panification conversion into bread
panivorous bread-eating
panjandrum imaginary potentate of great power and self-importance
panmixia cessation of the influence of natural selection
panmnesia belief that all mental impressions are stored in memory
pannage food picked up by swine in woods; right to pasture swine
panne heavy lustrous silk or rayon with waxy feel
pannicle thin sheet-like vestment
pannier provision-basket; basket carried over one's back
pannikin small metal cup
pannose like felt
pannychis all-night vigil in preparation for Orthodox church feast
panomphaean all-oracular
panophobia melancholia marked by groundless fears
panoptic all-embracing; viewing all aspects
panopticon prison where all inmates can be watched from one point
panpharmacon universal remedy
panplain flat area consisting of several joined floodplains
panpsychism theory that all nature has a psychic side
panpygoptosis shortness of the legs
pansexualism theory that all thought derived from sexual instinct
pansophy universal knowledge
panspermatism belief in origin of life from extraterrestrial germs
pantagamy universal bachelorhood; free love
pantagruelian marked by extravagant and coarse satire
pantarchy government by all the people; world government
pantechnicon receptacle holding many miscellaneous objects
pantheism belief that the universe is God; belief in many gods
pantisocracy government by all equally
pantler officer in a household in charge of bread
pantochronometer combined sundial and compass
pantoglot speaker of all languages
pantograph instrument for copying drawing to a different scale
pantograph apparatus connecting streetcar to overhead wires
pantology system of universal knowledge
pantomnesia remembrance of everything ever learned
pantomorphic taking on all shapes
pantophagy omnivorousness
pantophobia fear of everything
pantopragmatic meddling in everybody's business
pantoscope panoramic camera
pantosophy universal knowledge; pansophy
panurgic good at all kinds of tasks
panzoism belief that humans and animals share vital life energy
paparchy government by the pope
papaverous of, like or pertaining to poppies
papeterie packaged fancy stationery; stationery-case
papilionaceous of, like or pertaining to butterflies
papilla nipple-like projection
papilliferous bearing papillae
papilliform nipple-shaped
papillose having nipples or papillae
pappus downy beginnings of a beard
papren stone passing through a wall from face to face
papulation the development of papillae or pimples
papule pimple
papuliferous pimply; bearing or pertaining to pimples
papyraceous like paper; papery
papyrocracy government by newspapers or literature
papyrology study of paper
papyrotamia manufacture of paper flowers
parabasis speech where the chorus advances and addresses audience
parabiosis physical union of two embryos or organisms
parablepsis false vision; oversight
parabolanus layman who tends the sick
parabolaster a parabola of a higher degree
paraboliform shaped like a parabola
parabolist teller of parables
paracentral situated near the centre
parachronism representation of something as being newer than it is
paraclete advocate or intercessor; the Holy Spirit acting in such a role
paracme decline; period following the zenith or acme
paracoita female sexual partner
paracoitus male sexual partner
paracrostic poem whose initial letters reproduce its first verse
paracusis disordered hearing
paradisiacal suggestive of a place or state of perfect bliss
parados earthworks defending against a rear attack
paradoxology holding or maintaining paradoxes
paradromic adjacent; side by side
paraenesis exhortation
paraesthesia tingling sensation on the skin
parage high birth or rank; equality of birth or status
paragenesis formation of minerals as a joined mass
paragnosia misunderstanding
paragnosis skill in matters immune to scientific investigation
paragoge addition of a sound to end of word
paragram play on words in which letters are changed
paragraphia writing of different letters and words than intended
parakinesis production of movement of objects by a spiritualist
paralalia abnormality of speech sounds
paralipomenon thing left out; added in supplement
paralipsis fixing attention on subject by pretending to neglect it
parallax seeming change of object position due to observer moving
parallelepiped solid figure with each face a parallelogram
parallelism belief that matter and mind don't interact but relate
paralogise to reason falsely
paralogism false reasoning
paramatta worsted and cotton blend
paramedian near the middle line
parament rich decoration, hanging or robe
paramnesia abnormality of memory; inability to remember meaning of word
paranatellon a star that rises at the same time as another star
paranym euphemism; word whose meaning altered to conceal evasion
paranymph one who solicits for another; best man or bridesmaid
paraph flourish under one's signature
paraphasia disorder in which one word substituted for another
paraphilia any abnormal sexual attraction
paraphonia alteration of the voice; as at puberty
paraphrast one who paraphrases
paraphraxis inability to perform purposive movements properly
parapraxis blunder; error; mistake
parapsychology study of unexplained mental phenomena
pararthria incoherence
paraselene mock moon; bright patch on a lunar halo
parasigmatism inability to pronounce the sound 's'
parasitaster a mean or sorry parasite
parasiticide killing of parasites
parastatal indirectly controlled by the state
parastatic of, like or pertaining to protective mimicry of animals
parasuicide harmful act appearing to be an attempt at suicide
parasynesis corruption of forms of words
parasynthesis derivation of words using hyphenated compounds
parataxis organization of clauses without connectives
parathesis apposition; compounding of words without change
paratonic arresting growth
paravail inferior; lowest; of least account
paravane device used to cut underwater cables
paravant in front; first; beforehand
paravent wind screen
parbreak to vomit
parbuckle sling made by wrapping both ends of rope around object
parcel partly
parcenary co-heirship
parciloquy laconic speech
parclose railing in church enclosing altar, chapel or tomb
pardie mild oath; certainly or truly
pardine of, like or pertaining to leopards
pardine of or related to leopards
pardoner one who raises money for religious works by selling indulgences
paregmenon repetition of a word or its cognates in a series of words
paregoric soothing; lessening pain
parembole insertion of something related to the subject into a phrase
parentalia feasts or rites in memory of deceased parents
parentelic related by blood
parenticide killing or killer of one's parents
parergon work undertaken in addition to one's employment
pareschatology doctrine dealing with matters after death but before the end of the world
paresis omission of an element from a word
pareunia coitus
parfay by my faith; verily
parfleche dried buffalo skin
parget to plaster over; to cover with ornamental plasterwork
parhelion halo-like light seen in sky opposite the sun
paribuntal fine straw used to make hats
parietal of a wall or walls, especially anatomical walls
parietals school rules regarding inter-gender contact
parine of, like or pertaining to titmouses
parison lump of glass before it is moulded into its final shape
paristhimion tonsil
parisyllabic having the same number of syllables in all forms
parity condition or fact of having born children
parlous full of danger or risk
Parnassian poetic
parnel mistress or concubine of a priest; harlot
parochial local; confined to one region
parodinia difficult childbirth
paroemia proverb; adage
paroemiographer writer of proverbs
paroemiology study of proverbs
paromoeon alliteration
paromology concession of opponent's point to strengthen one's own point
paronomasia play on words; punning
paronym word from same root or having same sound as another
parorexia desire to eat strange foods
parotic near or adjacent to the ear
parous bearing or having borne offspring
parousia second coming of Christ
parousiamania obsession with the second coming of Christ
paroxysm fit of passion; laughter; coughing; sudden violent action
paroxytone having an acute accent on the next to last syllable
parquet floor-covering of fitted wooden blocks
parr young salmon
parrel band by which a yard is fastened to a mast
parrhesia boldness of speech
parricide killing of parent or close relative
parse to describe a word fully in terms of classification
parsonarchy government by parsons
parterre pit of a theatre
parthenian of, like or pertaining to virgins
parthenogenesis reproduction by a virgin or by means of an unfertilized egg
parthenolatry worship of the Virgin Mary
parthenology study of virgins
parthophobia fear of virgins
partible that may be divided up or parted
partim in part
partitive indicating a part of a larger whole
partocracy government by a single unopposed political party
parturition the act of giving birth
parure a set of ornaments or jewels
parvanimity smallness of mind
parvenu one suddenly risen to wealth without great social rank
parvipotent having little power
parvis enclosed space at the front of a church
parviscient having little knowledge
pascual growing on land used for grazing; of, like or pertaining to pastures
paseo leisurely stroll; march of bullfighters into arena
pashmina fine goat's wool fabric used for making shawls
pasigraphy a system of universal ideographic writing
paso-doble quick Spanish one-step dance
pasquilant lampooner
pasquin to lampoon
pasquinade to lampoon; a lampoon
passacaglia slow solemn Italian or Spanish dance
passade motion of horse to and fro over ground in dressage
passalorynchite one who takes a religious vow of silence
passant heraldic animal depicted walking
passement decorative trimming of beads or braid
passepied Breton dance resembling a quick minuet
passerine of, like or pertaining to sparrows
passible susceptible to or capable of suffering or of feeling
passim everywhere; dispersedly
passimeter instrument for issuing automatic tickets
passivate to coat metal with oxides to protect from corrosion
passulate to dry grapes
passus section of a poem or story
pastance pastime
pastern rope, strap or chain used to tie horse by its leg
pastiche medley, composed from different sources; imitative work
pastille small cone of charcoal burned as incense
pastose painted thickly
pastourelle medieval poem between knight and shepherdess
patagium wing-membrane of flying mammal
pataphysics the science of imaginary solutions
patation act of drinking
patavinity provincialism; dialectal term
patefaction disclosure; opening; manifestation
patelliform shaped like a saucer or kneecap
paten plate; metal disk used to hold Communion bread
pateriform saucer-shaped
pathic passive; a passive subject
pathogenesis causation or production of disease
pathognomic indicative of a specific disease
pathomania moral insanity
pathophobia fear of disease
pathopoeia excitation of passion by rhetoric or poetry
patible capable of suffering or being acted on; passible
patibulary of, like or pertaining to the gallows
patibulate to execute by hanging
patina film or surface that forms on surface of metal or wood
patination formation of a film on copper from exposure
patrial of, like or pertaining to one's native land
patrimony inheritance from father or ancestors
patriolatry excessive devotion or worship of one's native country
patroclinous having inherited paternal characteristics
patrology study of early Christianity
patronym name derived from father's name
patroon captain of a ship; coxswain of a longboat
patruity degree of relationship of paternal uncle
patte narrow band keeping a belt or sash in its place
patten wooden shoe; clog; base of a pillar
patulous spreading; wide-spreading; open
pauciloquent of few words; speaking little
pauldron shoulder-plate of suit of armour
paulopast just finished or past
paulopost just after
pavage charge for paving streets
pavane stately English Renaissance court dance
pavé setting of jewellery with stones close together
pavid timid
pavior one who lays down paving stones
pavis shield for the entire body
pavonated peacock-blue
pavonian of, like or pertaining to peacocks
pavonine of, like or pertaining to peacocks
pax tablet decorated with sacred figure and kissed by participants in mass
paxillose resembling a small stake
paynimry heathendom
paysage landscape
paysagist painter of landscapes
peatary region, bog or moor covered with peat
peavey lumberman's spiked and hooked lever
peccable liable to sin
peccadillo a slight offense or sin
peccaminous sinful
peccancy sinfulness; transgression
peccavi admission of sin or guilt
peck unit of dry measure equal to 8 quarts
pecorous full of cows
pectinal of a comb; comb-like
pectination comb-like structure
pectineal of the pubic bone
pectiniform shaped like a comb
pectize to congeal; to cause to set
pectoriloquy sound of patient's voice as heard through stethoscope
pecudiculture rearing of cattle
peculation embezzlement
peculium private property; especially when given by father to son
pecuniary of, like or pertaining to money; consisting of money
ped naturally formed mass or aggregate of soil
pedagogics study of teaching
pedagoguery schoolmastering; teaching
pedalian of, like or pertaining to the foot or to metrical feet
pedaneous going on foot; pedestrian; of lowly or petty standing
pedantocracy government by pedants or strict rule-bound scholars
pedary of, like or pertaining to walking or feet
pedate footed; having feet; like a foot
pederasty anal intercourse between a man and a boy
pedetentous proceeding slowly
pedicel stalk of an animal organ
pedicle bony protrusion of the skull from which an antler grows
pedicular of, like or pertaining to lice
pediculophobia fear of lice
pediculous lousy
pediform shaped like a foot
pedigerous having or bearing feet
pediluvium foot bath
pedimanous having feet shaped like hands
pediment triangular structure crowning front of a Greek building
pedipulate to work or knead with the feet
pedological of, like or pertaining to soils
pedology study of soils
pedomancy divination by examining the soles of the feet
pedometer instrument for measuring distance travelled on foot
peduncle stem or stalk of a flower
pegamoid artificial leather
pegomancy divination by springs or fountains
peignoir woman's dressing-gown
peirameter instrument measuring resistance of road surfaces to wheel movement
peirastic experimental; tentative
peise weight; burden; load
pejorate to worsen; to depreciate
pejorism severe pessimism
pekin fine soft silk
pelage animal's coat of hair or wool
pelagic oceanic; inhabiting or carried out in the deep sea
pelargic of, like or pertaining to storks
pelasgic nomadic
pelatast ancient Greek shield-bearing soldier
pelecoid shaped like a hatchet; a hatchet-shaped geometrical figure
pelerine woman's fur cape
pelisse fur-lined or fur garment
pelitic composed of fine sediment
pellate to divide; to separate
pellicle thin skin or film
pellicule thin diaphanous fabric
pellucid completely clear; transparent
pelma sole of foot
pelmatogram footprint
pelmet fringe or valance for hiding a curtain rod
peloid mud or other semi-solid medium used in baths
pelology study of mud
pelotherapy treatment by mud baths
peltastiform shield-shaped
peltiferous bearing a shield
peltry skins of animals with the fur on them
pelurious furry; hairy
pelviform basin-shaped
pelvimeter instrument for measuring the pelvis
pembroke small four-legged table with hinged flaps
pemphigus skin condition characterized by watery boils on the body
penacute having an acute accent on the penultimate syllable; paroxytone
penanggalan female vampire of Malay mythology
penannular in the form of an almost complete ring
penates household gods of a Roman family
pencilliform paintbrush-shaped
pendeloque drop pendant
pendent hanging; drooping; dangling
pendicle pendant, dependency or appendage
pendular of, like or pertaining to a pendulum
penduline building a pendulous nest
pendulograph curve representing combination of musical sounds
penecontemporaneous of geological processes occurring immediately after deposition
penectomy surgical removal of the penis
penelopize to create work as an excuse to deter suitors
peneplain land worn down by denudation to almost be a plain
penetralia inmost parts of a building or temple; innermost secrets
penetrometer instrument for measuring firmness or consistency of substances
penial of, like or pertaining to the penis
pennaceous featherlike
pennate winged; feathered
penniferous bearing feathers
penniform feather-shaped
pennyweight unit of troy weight equal to 24 grains
penology study of crime and punishment
pensile hanging; suspended; overhanging
pensum task; school imposition
pentad set of five things
pentagamist person who has or has had five spouses
pentalogy state of being in five parts
pentamerous having five parts or members
pentapolis alliance of five cities
pentarchy government by five individuals
pentateuch the first five books of the Old Testament
pentheraphobia fear or hatred of one's mother-in-law
pentimento revealing of part of a painting beneath a newer one
penury destitution; poverty
peotillomania abnormal compulsion for pulling on the penis
peotomy surgical removal of the penis
per through; according to; by means or agency of
peracute very sharp or violent; very acute
peradventure perhaps; possibly; by adventure; by chance
peragrate to travel over or through
percale closely woven lightweight cloth
percaline glossy lightweight cotton
percheron dappled cart horse
percipient perceiving; observant; perceptive
percoct well-cooked; overdone
percurrent running through the whole length
percutaneous done or applied through the skin
percutient striking or having the power to strike; percussive
perdicine of, like or pertaining to partridges
perdricide killer of partridges
perduellion treason
perdure to endure over a period of time
peregal fully equal
peregrination journey, especially on foot or to a foreign country
peregrinity foreignness; outlandishness
perennate to live perennially; to survive from season to season
perequitate to ride through on horseback
perfectibilian believer in the perfectibility of mankind
perfectibilism doctrine that humans capable of becoming perfect
perfectionism doctrine that moral perfection constitutes the highest value
perfervid very fervid; ardent; eager
perficient effectual; actually achieving a result
perfuse to pour or diffuse through or over
pergameneous like or resembling parchment
pergola arched framework for climbing plants
periaster point in orbit of a body in which it is nearest to a specified star
peribolos precinct; enclosing wall of a precinct
pericentral surrounding a centre or central body
periclinal sloping downwards in all directions from a point
periclitate to endanger; to jeopardise
pericope an excerpt or passage read during religious services
periculous dangerous
periegesis description in the manner of a tour; journey through
periodontics study of gums
perioeci individuals living at same latitude on opposite sides of earth
periotic around the ear
peripatetic wandering about; itinerant
peripetia sudden change of fortune
periphrasis circumlocution; round-about expression
periplus a voyage or trip around something
peripteral having a row of columns on every side
periscian person living inside the polar circle
perispomenon having a circumflex accent on the final syllable
perissology verbiage; pleonasm
perissosyllabic having an additional syllable
perissotomist knife-happy surgeon
peristalith ancient stone circle
peristeronic of, like or pertaining to pigeons
peristerophily pigeon-collecting
peristrephic moving round; revolving; rotatory
peristyle range of columns around a building or courtyard
peritectic in the state between solid and liquid; melting
periwinkle a bluish or azure colour; a plant with bluish flowers
perlaceous pearly
perlative indicating movement through or across
perliginous producing pearls
perlocution effect produced when a particular word is uttered
perlustrate to traverse and inspect carefully
permeameter instrument for measuring permeability
pernicious destructive; ruinous; fatal
pernoctate to pass the night in vigil or prayer
pernor one who takes or receives
peroral through the mouth
perorate to speak grandiosely or grandiloquently
peroration lengthy part of speech; especially a conclusion
perpend to weigh in the mind; to consider carefully
perpilocutionist one who speaks through his hat
perron raised platform or terrace at an entrance door
perruquier wigmaker
perscrutation thorough search
perse dark blue or bluish-grey; cloth of such a colour
perseity independent existence
perseverate to repeat an action continually or habitually
persiennes outside shutters with movable slats
persiflage banter; flippancy; idle chatter
personalia personal details, possessions or stories
personalism doctrine that humans possess spiritual freedom
personalty personal belongings and property
perspicacious clear-minded; astute; perceptive
perspicuous easily understood; clearly expressed
perstringe to constrain; to touch on; to censure
pertinacity quality of holding unyieldingly to a position
pertuse punched; pierced; slit
pertussis whooping cough
peruke a frilly wig
perulate scaly; having scaled skin
pervicacious very obstinate
pervigilium night vigil
pervious permeable; penetrable
pessary suppository inserted into the vagina
pessimal least favourable
pessimum point at which any condition is least favourable
pessomancy divination using pebbles
pestiferous bringing plague or pestilence
pestology science of pests
petaliferous bearing petals
petary peat-bog
petaurist flying phalanger
petcock valve for draining condensed steam from engine cylinders
petrary contrivance for hurling stones
petrean of, like or pertaining to or made of rock
petrichor pleasant smell accompanying the first rain after a dry spell
petricolous living in or near rocks
petrissage massage by longitudinal rubbing and lateral squeezing
petrogenesis formation or development of rocks
petroleous containing or rich in petroleum
petroliferous bearing petroleum
petrology study of rocks
petrophilous living on or thriving in rocky areas
petrous stony
pettifogger a lawyer given to underhanded tactics
pettitoes pigs' feet as food
petulcous butting like a ram
pewfellow one who occupies the same pew as another
pexity roughness of the nap of cloth
phacochoerine of, like or pertaining to warthogs
phacoid lens-shaped
phacometer instrument for measuring lenses
phaeic dusky
phaeism duskiness
phaeton open four-wheeled carriage
phagomania excessive desire for food or eating
phagophobia fear of eating
phakic (of an eye) having a crystalline lens
phalacrosis baldness
phalanstery dwelling of a communal group or phalanx of individuals
phallephoric carrying the penis
phallic of, pertaining to or resembling a penis
phallocracy government by men
phallocrat one who assumes the naturality of male dominance
phaneromania habit of biting one's nails
phanerosis act or process of becoming visible
phanic visible; obvious
phanopoeia visual imagery in poetry
phaometer old instrument for measuring light intensity
pharisaic hypocritical
pharmacognosy study of drugs of animal and plant origin
pharmacology study of drugs
pharmacomania abnormal obsession with trying drugs
pharmacometer instrument for measuring drugs
pharmacopolist drug-seller; pharmacist; apothecary
pharology study of lighthouses
pharos lighthouse or beacon
pharyngology study of the throat
pharyngoscope instrument for inspecting the pharynx
phassachate lead-coloured agate
phatic using speech for social reasons or to communicate feelings
phellem cork
phelloid cork-like
phelloplastic a model in cork
phememe smallest possible linguistic unit
phemic of, like or pertaining to speech
phenakistoscope early cinematograph in which figures are viewed through a slit
phenetic of, like or pertaining to classification by phenotype
phengite bright and beautiful kind of alabaster
phengophobia fear of daylight
phenogenesis origin of racial groups
phenology study of organisms as affected by climate
phenomenalism belief that phenomena are the only realities
phenomenology study of phenomena
pheon the barbed head of a dart or arrow in heraldry
pheretrer keeper of a shrine
phialiform saucer-shaped
phialine resembling a phial
philalethist lover of truth
philately study of postage stamps
philematology the act or study of kissing
philematophobe one who dislikes kissing
philhippic loving or admiring horses
philippic speech or writing full of bitter condemnation
philistine materialistic in outlook; uncultured
phillumeny collecting of matchbox labels
philocaly love of beauty
philodemic fond of commoners or the lower classes
philodox one who loves his own opinions; dogmatic person
philogyny love of women
philologaster petty or contemptible philologist
philology study of ancient texts; historical linguistics
philomath lover of learning
philomelian of, like or pertaining to nightingales
philonoist one who seeks knowledge
philopornist lover of prostitutes
philoprogenitive of, like or pertaining to instinctive love for offspring
philosophaster amateur or superficial philosopher
philosophocracy government by philosophers
philotechnical devoted to the arts
philotherianism love of animals
philoxenia hospitality
phimosis inability to retract the prepuce of the penis
phlebography description or examination of a vein
phlebotomy blood-letting
phlegmatic of a calm; unexcitable disposition
phlogiston nonexistent principle of flammability inherent in matter
phlogogenetic causing inflamation
phocine of, like or pertaining to seals
phocomelia having limbs like a seal's flippers
phoeniceous bright scarlet-red colour
phoenicopter flamingo
pholidosis arrangement of scales, as in fish and reptiles
phon unit of loudness of sound as heard by listeners
phonascus person who maintains rhythm in church choir
phonasthenia weakness of voice
phonation production of vocal sound
phonautograph instrument for recording sound vibrations
phonendoscope device which amplifies small sounds
phonesis production of speech sounds
phoniatrics study and correction of speech defects
phonomania pathological tendency to murder
phonometer instrument for measuring sound levels
phonophobia fear of noise or of speaking aloud
phonophorous transmitting sound waves
phorometer instrument used to correct abnormalities in eye muscles
phosphene light seen when the eyeball is pressed
phossy caused by phosphorus
photaesthesia sense of vision
photic light-giving; sensitive to light; penetrated by light
photism illusory vision of light
photobiology study of effects of light on organisms
photodromy motion towards light
photoglyph photographic engraving
photogyric turning towards light
photolysis disintegration resulting from exposure to radiation
photomania pathological desire for light
photometer instrument for measuring light intensity
photon unit of brightness of light as received at the retina
photophile organism loving or thriving in light
photophilous preferring or thriving in lighted conditions
photophobia fear of light
photophobia irrational fear or dislike of light
photophygous avoiding or disliking light
photopia vision in bright light
photopolarimeter instrument for measuring intensity and polarization of reflected light
photopsia appearance of light flashes due to retinal irritation
photosphere region of space lit by the sun
phototachometer instrument for measuring the speed of light
phototaxis growth or movement determined by light
phototelegraph instrument for transmitting drawings telegraphically
phototonus sensitivity to light
phraseology study of phrases
phratry clan or tribe
phreatic of, like or pertaining to underground water supplying or wells
phrenesis delirium; frenzy
phrenic of or near the midriff
phrenology study of bumps on the head
phrontistery a thinking-place; place for study
phthartic deadly; destructive
phthirophagous lice-eating
phthongal of, pertaining to, or consisting of a sound; vocalized
phthongometer instrument measuring intensity of vowel sounds
phugoid of, like or pertaining to the longitudinal stability of aircraft
phycology study of algae and seaweeds
phygogalactic halting milk production
phylactic defending against disease
phylarchy government by a specific class or tribe
phyle division of the people of a state into local clans
phylliform shaped like a leaf
phylline leaf-like
phyllomancy divination using leaves or tea leaves
phyllomania excessive or abnormal production of leaves
phyllophagous leaf-eating
phyllophorous leafy; bearing or having leaves
phylogenesis origin and history of a species' evolution
physagogue substance causing flatulence
physicalism belief that all phenomena reducible to verifiable assertions
physiocracy government according to natural laws or principles
physiognomancy divination by studying the face
physiognomy general appearance of anything, especially the face
physiolatry nature-worship
physiologus work containing descriptions of animals; a bestiary
physiophilosophy system of knowledge concerning principles of natural history
physiosophy assumption of knowledge of nature
physitheism attribution of physical form and attributes to deities
physiurgic due to natural causes
phytivorous feeding on plants
phytogenesis origin and development of plants
phytogenic derived from plants
phytoid plant-like
phytology study of plants; botany
phytomania obsession with collecting plants
phytophilous fond of plants
phytosophy knowledge of plants
piacular expiatory; atrociously bad
pibcorn old Welsh instrument like a hornpipe
pibroch piece of music for bagpipe
pica craving to eat dust
picamar bitter oily liquid obtained from tar
picaresque of, like or pertaining or pertaining to rogues or roguish behaviour
picaroon person who lives by his or her wits; rogue or scoundrel
picayune five-cent-piece or other coin of little value
piceous like pitch; inflammable; reddish black
piciform of the form or shape of a woodpecker
piciform of the nature of or resembling pitch
picine of, like or pertaining to woodpeckers
pickery petty theft under Scottish law
picksome particular; picky
pickthank sycophant; flatterer
picot loop in an ornamental edging; raised knot in embroidery
piebald of an animal, consisting of two or more colours
pied variegated; of various colours
piedroit square pillar attached to wall, lacking both base and capital
piend a salient angle
pierage fee paid for use of a pier
pieta representation of Virgin Mary with dead Christ across her knees
pietism unquestioning or dogmatic religious devotion
piezometer instrument for measuring pressure or compressibility
piggin small pail or bowl made of staves and hoops
pight to pitch
pigmentocracy government by those of one skin colour
pignorate to give or take in pledge or pawn
pigsconce blockhead
pilaster square column partially embedded in a wall
pilch fur or wool outergarment; rug laid over saddle
pilcrow paragraph-mark
pile upside-down wedge at an acute angle on a coat of arms
pileated cap-shaped; crested; capped
pileiform shaped like an umbrella
pileum top of a bird's head
pileus umbrella-shaped portion of a mushroom
pilgarlick poor wretch; self-pitying person
piliferous bearing or growing hair
piliform shaped like hair
pillion light pillow or saddle for a woman rider
pilliwinks torture instrument for crushing fingers
pillory wooden frame with holes for head and hands used as punishment
pilose having scattered soft or moderately stiff hairs
pilule little pill
piment spiced sweetened wine
pinacotheca picture-gallery
pinafore loose protective garment worn over a dress
pinchbeck cheap copper and zinc alloy; spurious or trashy
pinder one who impounds cattle
pineal shaped like a pine-cone
pinetum collection or plantation of pine trees
pingo cone-shaped mound with ice core
pinguefy to become or make fat or greasy; to make rich
pinguid fat
pinion small wheel with teeth
pinion wing; last joint of a wing; outermost flight feather
pinnace small vessel with oars and sails
pinnate shaped like a feather
pinniped seals, walruses, and other such sea mammals
pintle bolt or pin on which something turns, as a hinge
piolet ice-axe
pipe unit of liquid capacity equal to two hogsheads
pipistrelle small reddish-brown bat
pipkin small pot
piqué stiff durable corded fabric of cotton, rayon or silk
piscary the right of fishing; a fishing pond
piscatology study of fishes
piscatorial of, like or pertaining to fishing or fishers
piscicapturist fisherman
piscifauna fish life of an area
pisciform shaped like a fish
piscina basin set in wall of church to drain away ceremonial water
piscine of, like or pertaining to fish
piscivorous fish-eating
pisiform shaped like a pea
pismire an ant; something or someone insignificant
pismirism hoarding of small or insignificant things
pisteology science or study of faith
pistiology doctrine concerning faith
pistology branch of theology concerned with faith
pitchometer instrument for measuring angles of ship's propeller blades
piteous arousing or deserving pity
pityroid bran-like
pixilated bemused; bewildered; intoxicated
pizzle bull's penis used as instrument of punishment by flogging
placage covering of walls with thin marble slabs or with plaster
placee investor who is sold shares by private placement
placentiform cake-shaped
placentigerous bearing a placenta
placentophagy eating of the placenta
placet vote of assent in a governing body
placitum decision of a court or an assembly
placket opening in a skirt or shirt for a pocket
placoid plate-like; having plate-like scales
plafond decorated ceiling
plagate marked with a streak or streaks
plage fashionable beach
plagiary one who plagiarises
plagium the crime of kidnapping
plainstones flagstone side-pavement of a street
planation making level
planchet blank metal disc to be stamped as a coin
planchette board or similar tool used in interpreting spirit messages
planetesimal of, like or pertaining to asteroids or similar tiny celestial bodies
planetic erring; erratic
planetogeny theory of the origin of planets
planetolatry worship of the planets
planetology study of planets
plangency resonance; noisiness
plangent deep or loud sounding
plangorous mournful
planigraph instrument for copying drawings at a different scale
planimeter instrument for measuring area of plane figures
planipennate having flat; broad wings
planish to polish; to flatten
planisphere sphere projected onto a plane; map of the heavens
planity the quality of being plane
plankwise in the manner or direction of a plank
planography cartography
planomania abnormal desire to wander and disobey social norms
planster petty or poor planner
plantar of, like or pertaining to the sole of the foot
plantigrade walking fully on the soles of the feet
plantivorous plant-eating
plantocracy government by plantation owners
plapper to make sounds with the lips
plash dash of water
plashy full of pools or puddles; marshy or boggy
plasmophagous consuming plasma
plastron fencer's padded breast-shield; steel breastplate worn under hauberk
plataleiform spoonbilled; of the shape of a spoonbill
platband flat molding that exceeds its projection; fillet between column's flutings
plateasm broad speech; talking with the mouth open too wide
platilla fine white linen
platiniferous bearing platinum
platitude commonplace or trite remark made as if it were important
platitudinarian one who utters platitudes
platometer instrument for measuring area; planimeter
platten to flatten into a plate or sheet
platurous flat-tailed
platypodia flat-footedness
platypussary building or pen where platypuses are kept
platysma broad sheet of muscle in the neck
plauditory issuing enthusiastic approval or applause
plaustral of, like or pertaining to a wagon
playa basin which becomes a shallow lake after heavy rainfall
pleach to intertwine the branches of
pleasance pleasure; enjoyment; complaisance
plebania mother-church having authority over several local churches
plebeian of the common people or vulgar classes
plebification making something vulgar or plebeian
plebiscitarism principle or practice of using plebiscites
plectile woven or plaited
plectrum pick for stringed instruments
pledget wad of cotton or lint used to dress a wound
plegometer instrument for measuring the strength of a blow
pleiomery condition of having more than the normal number
pleiomorphy occurrence of several distinct stages in the life cycle of an organism
plemyrameter instrument for measuring variations in water level
plenary full; entire; complete; absolute; unqualified
plenicorn having solid horns (as a deer)
pleniloquence excessive talking; fullness of speech
plenilunar of, like or pertaining to the full moon
plenilune full moon
plenipotence absolute power
plenitude fullness; completeness; abundance; sufficiency
plenum space completely filled with matter
pleochroic displaying different colours when seen from different directions
pleonasm redundancy; use of more words than necessary
pleonectic greedy; covetous
pleonexia greed; avarice
pleroma fullness; abundance
plerophory full conviction
plethysmograph instrument for measuring change in body part size due to blood flow
pleurotropous laterally flattened
plexiform shaped like a network
plexure network; web; interweaving
plexus network
plicated folded fanwise; pleated
plication the act of folding
plimsoll rubber-soled canvas shoe
plinth rectangular base of column or pedestal
pliofilm thin waterproof transparent sheet used for packaging
pliothermic of, like or pertaining to periods of above-average temperatures
plissé fabric with puckered finish
ploce repetition of word in more expressive sense for emphasis
plodge to trudge through anything in which the feet sink
plosion release of breath after consonant
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by Synthesis »

Tribble wrote:I believe in ghosties but not sure you should go looking for them. Perhaps the many many horror movies I have watch have conditioned me to believe that it is a bad idea.
Just to clear it up. I have never seen a ghost and don't believe in them either. I have though played around to try to communicate with them by your typical teenager means of Ouija boards, glassy glassy etc. Said phrases in front of bathroom mirrors. done all that and nope, never a sign of supernatural life. So nobody can convince me it does happen and exist. Even if I was to see a cell-phone movie of a bed shaking.
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by Molean »

Tribble wrote:I believe in ghosties but not sure you should go looking for them. Perhaps the many many horror movies I have watch have conditioned me to believe that it is a bad idea.
I 2nd that....
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by lancelot »

"Long long ago, there were a man who try to make his
skill ultimate. Because of his bloody life, it's no
accident that he was involved in the troubles."

There are some serious syntax errors here :?:
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by Molean »

Synthesis wrote:
Tribble wrote:I believe in ghosties but not sure you should go looking for them. Perhaps the many many horror movies I have watch have conditioned me to believe that it is a bad idea.
Just to clear it up. I have never seen a ghost and don't believe in them either. I have though played around to try to communicate with them by your typical teenager means of Ouija boards, glassy glassy etc. Said phrases in front of bathroom mirrors. done all that and nope, never a sign of supernatural life. So nobody can convince me it does happen and exist. Even if I was to see a cell-phone movie of a bed shaking.
The day you disappear without any explanation, is the day we prove you wrong ;)
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by po10cy »

I blame Michael Jackson for this strange phenomenon..
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by Molean »

If theres something strange, in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call.......
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by Tribble »

lol they do exist. I just don't want to find those that would actually come to me.
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by D3PART3D »

lancelot wrote:"Long long ago, there were a man who try to make his
skill ultimate. Because of his bloody life, it's no
accident that he was involved in the troubles."

There are some serious syntax errors here :?:
Yes, it was translated from Japanese to English for the American version.

FAIL! :lol:
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by justinufo »

Ive had something weird happen to me when i was younger.While i was sleeping i heard footsteps in my room when i peeked i saw a shadowy figure.I froze up and pull my head under the sheets.To this day i dont know what it was.In my class a chick also saw something like a ghost/demon whatever it was.She went crazy.Maybe the supernatural does exist.... :lol:
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by Molean »

Tribble wrote:lol they do exist. I just don't want to find those that would actually come to me.
Again, I 2nd that lol. I used a Ouija once, along time ago and it worked. We ended up "communicating" with one of my cousins, friends, Dead Mom :? Was quite something to see the pointer moving along with us barely touching it.....please don't try this at home....
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by D3PART3D »

Molean, that's really freaky. I've seen similar games played at school in the prefects room, where objects would just start moving on their own :shock:

Rational explanations :?: :|
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by Tribble »

I have heard the stories of glasses moving by themselves - but never tried it. My fear is - what if it actually moves when I am holding it - I think I would really be freaked out. It is one thing knowing they are around - seeing the things they do. It is completely different having them that close.
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by mina.magpie »

When I was younger a friend and I also tried glassy-glassy, and it worked for us too. We ended up telling the other person questions to ask we didn't know the answers to and then we'd confirm or reject the answer.

Of course, might not have been ghosts - coulda been telepathy.

Ghosts are real though. I grew up in a farming area on the rand with alot of Boer-War history, and there was some freaky stuff going on there sometimes.

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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by Molean »

It was quite freaky, to see something like know there are ghosties out there or something at least. But I was young and interested to see what would happen(I got the idea from a book I was reading at the time) I read up more about it afterwards and they are not things to play around with. Cause you never know what kind of spirit you might pick up, if it happens to a bad one, lets just say nothing good can come from it....
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by Synthesis »

Sorry to dissapoint most of you who "thought" that games like glassy glassy and ouija boards are real:
The ideomotor effect is a psychological phenomenon wherein a subject makes motions unconsciously (i.e., without conscious awareness). As in reflexive responses to pain, the body sometimes reacts reflexively to ideas alone without the person consciously deciding to take action. For instance, tears are produced by the body unconsciously in reaction to the emotion of sadness, usually without any intervention of conscious will.

Stage hypnotists exploit the ideomotor effect for entertainment value, convincing volunteers to perform some action without consciously deciding to do so. The volunteers usually have no memory of their performance, much like sleepwalkers who are unaware that they are acting on stimulus existing almost entirely in their own minds. More subtle unconscious physical reactions are often used by magicians and illusionists to perform "mind-reading" tricks.
Automatic writing, dowsing, facilitated communication, and Ouija boards have also been attributed to the effect of this phenomenon. Mystics have often attributed this motion to paranormal or supernatural force. Many subjects are unconvinced that their actions are originating solely from within themselves.

The term was first used in a paper discussing the means through which the Ouija board produced its results, by William Benjamin Carpenter in 1852. In the paper, Carpenter explained his theory that muscular movement can be independent of conscious desires or emotions.

Scientific tests by the English scientist Michael Faraday, the French chemist Michel Chevreul, and the American psychologists William James and Ray Hyman have demonstrated that many phenomena attributed to spiritual or paranormal forces, or to mysterious "energies," are actually due to ideomotor action. Furthermore, these tests demonstrate that "honest, intelligent people can unconsciously engage in muscular activity that is consistent with their expectations" (Hyman 1999).[1] They also show that suggestions that can guide behavior can be given by subtle clues (Hyman 1977) [1].
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by WiK1d »

Frozenfireside wrote:Nice. I've had something like this happen.

Was away in dullstroom with my family for fly fishing and the one room is supposed to be haunted.I'm sleeping in that very room. But I'm realistic and ghosts do not exist and you can't fool me with your mind games.

I'm lying in bed and I hear this snoring but it feels like it's right next to me. I think it might be myself so I stop breathing. It continues. I think it might be my dad who's in the next room but I can tell it's not him as it's too close and it's not muffled in anyway.

I start to wonder what it could be. I'm far to the right of the bed so I countdown 3...2...1... and role over quickly and the snoring instantly stops.

I was a little perturbed.
lol, superstitious much?
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Re: Something weird happened last night

Post by D3PART3D »

Synthesis, makes sense, but why does it seem to happen where there's a group? Surely someone would notice.
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